big pink stripy cat

Monday, October 30, 2006

I'm sorry but my photo hasn't come up, so I'll try again tomorrow

My weekend was fine.My mum came on Saturday and we had a good chat about family stuff.Sunday was OK , we took mum out for dinner as it was such a lovely day then in the evening me and mum went to see the ballet, Swan Lake which was fantastic.
today mum went home and i went to clinic.I have to go in hospital after the 20th Nov for some IV's although my blows were the best in years, the doctor took my blood and had trouble finding a good enough vein and ended up going in my wrist!
I'm not that bothered in going into hospital, I need a rest and feel worn out, so I want to be well for Xmas.
My poor little Tasha is in hospital feeling very poorly with the flu, I hope she feels better soon.
although my relationship isn't great with my mum, i kind of miss her.The thing is she's my mum and I can't help but love her no matter what's happened.Mum rang me once she had got home and said she had enjoyed her time here which was nice to hear.I'm the kind of person who gives other's a second chance, although my mum has had more than a few chances maybe she is trying hard too and we should try and forgive and forget if it means I can have a good relationship with her.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Jasmine was flat out asleep on her scratching post this morning, i was busy in the Kitchen when i heard a big " thump" then a rather load meeeeeeeeeeow, I turned and saw a gray blur racing into the bedroom. i can only think that gray ferret was in a deep sleep, rolled over and fell off her post. Jasmine finally came out from under the bed looking very sorry for herself so i picked her up and cradled her in my arms like a baby with her purring her little heart out.
Jasmine gets into so much trouble around the house, she found a sticky label off something and tried to eat eat, the only thing that happened was she got it stuck to her whisker's and got quite upset with the label, she did manage to free the label from her whiskers and walk off in a huff. When I picked the label up off the floor there was gray fur stuck to it.
I really enjoyed meeting Shirley yesterday, She left a message to say I should have told her my kidneys were hurting but i didn't want to worry her plus I'm good at masking the pain I get, it's years of practice i guess.
I'm looking forward to a quite weekend with my mum coming to visit tomorrow and going to see swan lake on Sunday.
The gray owl thing is asleep again, I'm going to come back as a cat and a pampered one at that!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

I've had a really lovely day today. i met with Shirley and her son Liam and we had a walk round the shops and liam had his Mcdonalds which made him happy.We had a good chat about lots of stuff and really didn't want to go home but i had to get my bus plus my kidneys were giving me some pain so I knew I had to go home and rest.
i really don't know how Shirley manages to look after herself and her little one, she's a real star and a really great mum.I think Liam was very happy going round the toy shops!
I've been making a fuss of my little girl, Jasmine who had left me a dead spider on the kitchen floor for me when I got home. I wish she would kill the monster spiders we get here but she seems to leave those alone, maybe she's not as daft as she looks.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

My eye keeps twitching and i'm finding it hard to do things today, i think it's because i'm tired. I've had an idea on making a Christmas CF bracelet which would cost more but would be great as a gift for people's mum's, friends or sister's, it's more of a girlie bracelet with the rosebuds and a butterfly charm and light and dark purple beads . I posted something on the CF forum about it and so far there are a few who are interested in them.
Today has been a day of deep thinking for me, this blog seems to help as it's like talking to a counsellor without them talking back of course but it's a good way of learning about yourself and your feelings.
I have suffered years of self doubt and always been very shy so I to find things difficult to talk about plus eating disorders are frowned apon. I remember my Dad once saying he couldn't do with people like that, when we were talking about the anorexia, it hurt me so much it has stayed in my mind for ages.
I do look back and think , you dozy moo why are you like this? if i knew i wouldn't be like it but one thing was having a relationship where all I got was a bunch in the gob every time I looked up or even spoke to someone didn't help.
I have a lot of things that have happened to me that were a lot worse by this monster but I won't go into that. I do wish I wasn't diabetic then the eating disorder wouldn't have distroyed my sight, which is why i'm loosing it now. I can't tell you how important it is to keep good control on your diabetes. I don't like having CF or diabetes but these things have made me the person i am today, a bit dizzy at times but very loving and kind to those around me, all i ever wanted was to have a mum and Dad who loved me and showed it but i didn't get that either, I'm like most human's and crave that love everyone wants from friends and family, sadly we don't all get that do we.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

just read my little sister, Tasha's blog, she's had a great time meeting her dear friends Alan and clo from Ireland, and staying with lainey. Poor little thing has been very depressed for a while and I think seeing these friends has lifted her spirits a great deal.
i've felt qiute sick this morning as i didn't sleep very well last night due to pain in my poorly right arm.
Jasmine went in the garden this morning and tried to attack a big fat bird on the fence but missed it as she jumped at it too soon. Roger said he saw a stag that had been run over yesterday on his way to work, a van had run it over and the poor thing was still rolling around in the road, i'm pleased I wasn't there as i would have sat with the animal and asked for someone to go and get a vet to put the poor creature out of its pain.
I've been watching panda cam and the baby panda at Altlantic zoo, I love pandas and can watch this for ages.
Me and Bagpuss are going Xmas shopping on Thursday and meeting my friend and her son. i know it's far too early to go Xmas shopping but the sooner it's done the sooner it's finished and i don't need to do the last dash to the shops and beat the millions of shopper's.

Monday, October 23, 2006

I didn't go to clinic on Friday due to problems with hospital not arranging my transport so i went shopping instead. saturday we went down to Stafford for the classic bike show, it was a great day but I got so out of breath I wish we'd taken my wheelchair. We stayed at Roger's Mum's over night as we were both tired, she only lives a few miles up the road from the showground so it seemed a better choice then driving four hours back home.
Sunday morning we set off for home and got back around 2pm. Jasmine was very pleased to see us and have been at the jigsaw again and we found bits of it in the hallway and in the kitchen with nice little teeth marks in them!
Today i just feel very tired so i'm not doing a lot today. my eyes are playing up today and Jasmine is playing in the douvet cover on the bed. I'm going to spend the rest of today drinking tea and cuddling a gray furball with whiskers and claws.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

What a horrible day it is here today, cold wet and raining! I've been thinking of other ideas to raise money for the CF trust, so far i have two. the first is a collection of poems made into a book written by PWCF or someone who has been effected by it in some way or form. The second is a new brand of purfume, but this could be very expensive and I'm waiting to hear from a company to see if they would be interested or not.
I'm feeling very uncomfortable about my looks and weight at the moment so I'm trying to keep busy just so I don't focus on it so much.
Jasmine continues to nick off with the jigsaw pieces and yet again her toy spider had a few pieces in his little den.
When the winter starts , Jasmine becomes very loving and sleeps a lot and has been sitting here with me now on my knee. I love her dearly and strange though it may seem but she is my one true friend who loves me for me. I talk to Jasmine and tell her my hopes, dreams and fears, she never judges me for the things that I've said or done wheather they were good or bad.I just wish human's were more like her, most people I speak to are really nice but you alway's get some that are not so nice, that's life I suppose.
I'm at clinic tomorrow so maybe I will feel happier once that's over. I've been going to clinic's all my life yet I still get butterflies when I go to hospital even when I know I'm well, people always think your use to it but I don't think you get use to it at all.I know I want to ask one of the team why they were so negative about one of the articles about me in the paper.I do wish people would be more honest instead of talking behind your back, but it comes back to what I just said" that's life".

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

It's been one of those day's today. I haven't been sleeping very well the last few night's mainly because i've been worried about a family member who had a very serious operation yesterday, after nearly eight hours they were back on ICU and recovering. I had a call this morning that my family member had been moved onto another ward and was doing well, Thank goodness.
Jasmine has taken to sleeping in the bathroom sink, which isn't a problem but we have a drippy cold tap and her bum got wet through. Jasmine has been quite a fussy pussy today so maybe she could tell i was a bit out of sorts.She has spent this afternoon on her blanket with my Eeyore next to her which was kind of cute.
I know my little Tasha has been feeling poorly with a cold, I hope she gets over it soon as she is going to see her friends and spend some time with Lainey, the last thing this little chick needs is to feel poorly with a cold.
I'm at clinic on Friday ( oh the joy) so i want them to look at my arm which is no better and i still haven't heard from the physio who was meant to have been in touch after my last clinic visit which was about six weeks ago. i get fed up with chasing round after people and sorting stuff out, no doubt other's have problems like this too.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

It's been a strange kind of morning today, first my family member is having a very serious operation done today and it will take up to six hours so my thought's are with them right now. Second the chair we have at the computer table decided to collapse while I was sitting on it, one minute I was sitting on the chair , the next" bump" I was on the floor, I found that the screw holding the chair together had worked it's self free and that's why it collapsed.
Jasmine thought this was a good time to attack me while I was on the floor so we ended up play fighting and guess who came off worse for wear!!!( me).
I've not felt too good the last few day's and seem to have a lot more pain in my chest, no doubt in normal circumstances I would have had some IV's by now but because of my renal failure i can't have any unless I go in and stay in hospital for two weeks , which is a waste of time as last time I could only have a few days treatment before they told me to stop the IV's and go home. I'm at clinic on Friday so i'll see what they say then.
I feel very " fat" today but I think it's fluid more than anything else, I'm trying not to think about it but I still find weight and stuff very hard to cope with although I've done really well with my anorexia so far, little steps is what I'm doing as long as I don't go backwards!
My eyes are playing up abit and I'm finding it hard to read things, it's a huge worry to me and I try so hard to keep my diabetes under control but having all the problems i do with an eating disorder it gets very difficult at times.
I had a long chat with my sister Joy on the phone, she's got a lot going on at the moment and needed cheering up, I made her laugh at something that happened over the weekend and both of us couldn't stop laughing for ages, it felt good. i left home at 15 going on 16 and missed my sister while I was living away, we both had a tough time growing up and my only regret is that I left my sister behind. We share a very strong bond which my Mum seems jealous of for some very odd reason, she plays one off against another which has caused problems in the past but now we tend to leave her to it.I very rarely speak to my Dad, not because of anything but he's never at home and always working.
I've found writing on here is very therapeutic and I can waffle on a bit sometimes but what the hell, it's good reading sometimes.
My jigsaw is getting nowhere as the furry gray thing and nicked off with pieces and keeps hiding them.I might finish it before Christmas if I'm lucky!
I've been watching " Everybody loves Raymond " on sky, which is really quite funny, I also like to watch Seinfeld as I've got bored with Home and Away and neighbours!
I've got my sponsor money all together for Emily's Angels, it should have been in at the start of the month but people have been very slow at giving their money to me, so as always I've been running around trying to get their backsides in gear. I've raised £445 which aint bad, it's nice to do things to make a difference no matter how big or small they are.

Monday, October 16, 2006

After Fridays hoo har with the hoover sucking up Jasmine's tail, the mad moggie has found the hiding place of the jigsaw and has been nicking off with the pieces and hiding them behind the sofa along with the body guard , her toy spider. Jasmine has been in a bad mood over the weekend and keeps meowing to be let out to go and play with next doors dog, Midge.
We went to our friends 40th birthday party on Saturday night, which was great. We had a good old boogie although my boogie days are slower these days as I get so out of breath but it's great physio!. We left the party around midnight and got home to find fury gray creature flat out asleep on the sofa.
Sunday was the wartime weekend at Pickering, we've been going in WW2 uniforms for five years and love the whole thing. The weekend starts on the Friday and ends on the Sunday, we normally go for the main two days but because we had the party on the Saturday we didn't do that this year.
We met up with some mates from York and spent the day going round the Yorkshire moors and spotting Germans.
The wartime weekend is a good reason to play dress up and people go the whole hog in 1940's clothes.
I've been told that one of the articles I had in the paper's wasn't that good by someone who works on my CF team, this upset me as I've never said I'm on deaths door and have only ever tried to get the awareness we need for the trust and the life life then give life cause. There's always some twit that has to put you down for doing something good, I think they only do this cause they can't get off their fat arses and do something positive themselves and if this is what they think then why the hell can't they keep their big gobs shut and piddle off !
I don't think people understand that all the articles I've had in the papers have been because of me ringing and writing round to see who was interested in the story which is a lot of hard work plus all the work I've done with the CF bracelets, it doesn't just happen on it's own it's months of hard bloody work.
I get so angry with that kind of person and I'm sorry for ranting but god it makes my blood boil.
On a lighter note I got in touch with my friend, Shirley to see if she was OK after going into hospital and to see if she would like to meet sometime , which i think she will( YAY).
my little haggis ( Tasha) is getting herself sorted slowly, it just takes time to get back on track and someone to listen to her and understand the stresses CF puts on you, I hope that my little chick is happy soon, I wish I could be closer to her so we could hang out and chat, she might find that, that would help a little.
I have a close friend who is very ill at the moment and I'm kind of getting ready for " that" phone call. I'm 35 and have delt with so many of those calls it's unreal and very unfair. So far I've lost 24 friends to CF, I never get use to it and never will, it breaks my heart time after time after time, CF is ruthless and doesn't care of the after math.
I never knew that I would have to deal with death so early on in life, I know one thing and that is CF has made me grow up fast and deal with things in an adult way sooner rather than later, and yes I do hate CF but if I didn't have it maybe I wouldn't be the person I am today, a kind, caring compassionate person who want's to make a difference while I have the chance.
Bagpuss is in a mood as he hasn't been out since Thursday, but I've not been anywhere to take him.
Jasmine is cat boxing my hairbrush, she doesn't like black objects and sits on her back paws and swipes the air with her front paws hence " cat boxing", she's a nutter but she's so cute you can't get cross at her. When the hoover sucked her tail up it was an accident as I didn't know she was there so please don't think I do this kind of thing for fun.
Jasmine is now watching a bird in our garden and is chattering at it, so it's just as well that she's in doors otherwise it would have been little black birdie for Jasmine's tea I think.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Well I thought I'd post on here again after reading the comment's some lovely people put on my blog.
Shirley is back home which was quick but at least she will be able to move a bit better, but I hope she doesn't over do it! you take it easy mate.
I was also pleased to read that my little sister Tasha is getting help with one or two things, that little jellybean needs a break and something happy to look forward to.
Seeing that my earlier post was a little too serious something funny has happened this afternoon. I was hoovering the bedroom floor and didn't see Jasmine behind me, she was trying to get out of the way as she doesn't like the hoover, I dropped the hose and next thing I heard a huge MEOW, looked round and there was the gray fury ferret with her tail, yes her tail being sucked up the hoover's hose! needless to say she wasn't best pleased with me and when I got to switch the hoover off so that it would release her tail she shot off under the bed.It's taken the best part of an hour to get her from under the bed, that's kind of payback for taking the jigsaw pieces( He, He, He ) not that I'm saying you should do this just for fun as that's just cruel!
I've been busy making the bed and had help from something gray and furry( Jasmine).
After several attempts at trying to put the cover on the bed and fighting with a small gray thing biting my hands the bed got made.The jigsaw has been moved into a safe place and so far Jasmine hasn't found it but I did find another two pieces with her toy spider this morning. I also found a real dead spider near the living room window, so I guess madam moggie got to him too. Although I'm not keen on spider's I hate the thought of the poor thing seeing a gray furball coming at top speed towards it then being squished by a huge gray paw, munched a bit then spat out onto the floor in about six pieces.
My little friend Tasha is worring me, poor little chick is having a tough time, i wish I could take away the pain and upset for her . I do care very much for her and will do my best as friends do to help her smile again, I don't think people understand just how difficult life is with CF plus all the other things life seems to throw at you.At times life is very lonely even if you have loads of people around you, CF can be a pain in the bum most day's and it's like a full time job making sure you take all your tablets and do your physio so it's no wonder we have our down days.
I still find people don't understand CF i've even had people thinking it was MS I had which is something completely different and god knows how they get it so wrong when you've just spent about an hour explaining CF in the first place.
When I was little I thought CF just effected the lungs and digestive system but as you get older and understand more you realize how this dam thing effects the whole of your body.I never like to use the word hate as it's a very strong word but I do hate CF, it's made my life crap and has taken friends from me, I know other sufferer's feel the same but then I have day's where I try and do so much just so if and when the time comes that I can no longer do things I can have some great memories. The thing that's frightening me the most is the thought of going blind. When i went blind with cataracts it was only a few months but in that time i forgot what i looked like which you think wouldn't be the case , also I couldn't go out on my own and go shopping. We once went to a place where Roger was going to look at a new motorbike and we took our friend Moo, on the way Moo said to me look at those sheep over there( they had some lambs playing on a hill, i was told later) but I couldn't see them, when we got home I sobbed my heart out because I couldn't see the lambs playing, Roger said not to worry as he would look after me but that wasn't the point.
I think now I understand how Monet felt when he was loosing his sight, the thought of seeing nothing frightens me no end.
I hope my other friend Shirley is OK, she's not so good at the moment, having friends with CF is great but the hardest thing is when we get ill, but i feel that all CF sufferer's have a good strong bond and we help each other the best we can.
Well I'm going to shut up as this is getting too much right now.Jasmine is her with me pawing the keyboard so I guess she wants to say "hello" ( meow)
It's Friday the 13th( eeeeeeeeeek) so i hope I don't drop kitty litter on the floor whilst empting the tray or trip over and smack my teeth on the floor or something really daft, I'm at home today so I can't get into much bother( or can I? ).

Thursday, October 12, 2006

A friend from the CF boards has had to go into hospital and I hope to visit her very soon, I say friend even though we have never met but you kind of get to know people over the message boards.
Jasmine the furry ferret has been nicking off the the jigsaw bits again, the best place to look for them is under her scratching post with her toy spider( bider, as we call him) I think I will have to find a new home for the jigsaw as I can see this taking a while to finish it at this rate.
Had my hair done today and sent a text to Tasha, I made her laugh as she said i'd be all beautiful again after having my hair done, I told her that I look like the back end of a bus!
I have a worring time over the next week or so as one of my family has to have an operation, I don't want to say too much but this is a very serious operation.
Well Jasmine is meowing for her tea, so I better get on. We have a busy weekend ahead but I'm looking forward to it and my cold is getting better by the day( YAY)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Jasmine has been at the jigsaw again overnight, I found pieces in the kitchen this morning and some were hidden under her toy spider. Jasmine is now looking cute and cuddley on her blanket behind the sofa.
Spoke to my sister, Joy who made me laugh about her cats and other stuff which we were on about.Joy is getting use to her in laws as she got married at the beginning of the year and some stuff she said was really making me laugh.
My cold is on the way out( YAY) and I'm starting to feel better.
I'm trying to find a nice cottage in Cornwall for our holiday's next year, and it's quite difficult to choose as there are so many nice ones around.
Last night combat wombat( jasmine) attacked my feet as I was coming out of the bathroom, she lay in wait and pounced on me, I had no chance of getting away from " it".
I think Jasmine is becoming the main character of my blog at the moment, at least she makes a good read( I think) .
my nurse is coming this afternoon to take my blood, i've been diabetic for over twenty years yet I still hate having blood's taken, and I'm not keen on needles.
My dad had his scan's done to see if he had a blood clot in his leg but they couldn't find anything wrong, which is good in one sense but he still has a swollen leg and doesn't know why.
The weather has turned quite cold here today and I had to put the heating on for the first time in ages, maybe that's why Jasmine has settled down and gone to sleep.Bagpuss is resting as tomorrow he will be coming with me to the hair dresser's, also he can help me find a card for a friend of our's who's 40th it is soon.
I thought satan with fur was asleep but something has just attacked my left foot under the table and it's biting my big toe!I wonder if there is such a thing as a cat whisperer, who could understand this mad moggie of mine and if so where the hell do they live? this moggie is off it's rocker and it's teeth are very sharp.
Well I'm going to try and detatch my left foot from this gray slipper and then try and get to the kitchen in one piece to get some dinner and a cup of tea.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I spoke to my little sister, Tasha yesterday on the phone which was lovely. All I could hear was Tasha giggling down the phone as i told her that Jasmine kept running off with the jigsaw pieces.
my cold is getting better although i've got a chesty cough now. I had a lovely e-mail from my friend kirstie, she is going to send some wedding photo's to me as she got married a few months ago.
Jasmine is very well and keeps running off with pieces from my 3D jigsaw, which i'm trying to do.I'm sure I will find some bits missing because madam furball has taken them and hidden them near her scratching post along with her toy spider, a few catnip mice and a fury thing on a stick.
Bagpuss has been very quite and spends time reading and sleeping. I wish Jasmine would do more sleeping and then I might be able to finish my jigsaw without being attacked by a manic gray creature with sharp teeth and claws.
I've got to buy a 40th birthday present for our friend Richard, who's birthday it is on Saturday. I haven't a clue what to get him.
This cold has made me feel like not eating much as I can't taste anything, even tangfastics taste like glue, so I really must try and eat something soon otherwise i'll get told off from the hospital.
I'm going to send some photo's of Jasmine to Tasha, Jasmine looks like an angel in all the photo's I've taken of her, but is really satan in gray fur.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Over the weekend I got slightly worse with this cold, so I didn't go anywhere and stayed at home with Jasmine while Roger went to York on Saturday to do a few jobs for his Dad. I was kind of pleased to stay at home as I really dislike going to Roger's dad's house as it's always cold and damp.
Watched a lot of telly on Sunday and had a good Sunday dinner which is the first thing I've eaten since Friday( a part from Haribo tangfastics which really isn't good enough)
I've woke up today feeling better although I have a lovely chesty cough, my nurse is coming to see me on Wednesday and will bring some cipro to help my chest.
Jasmine has murdered two giant blue bottles which flew into the house, she took great pleasure in killing them and once dead she ate them! what a lovely moggie I own.
Jasmine has also been chasing after my feet which she likes to bite if you don't wear slipper's, she does her funny combat moves on you and thinks you can't see her as she hides behind things and jumps out on you then runs like hell so you can't grab her and tickle her fat tummy.
I should write a book about my cat and her adventures, maybe she'll make me rich!
I'm going to phone Tasha later as she wasn't available on Friday, she sent me a lovely card and letter which made me cry.
Jasmine is fast a sleep right now and she's snoring! she's curled up on her scratching post, she's tired out after her busy weekend.
It's wartime weekend next weekend which we go to every year dressed in WW2 uniform, it's a great weekend but gets very busy. The strange thing is people ask for your photo's with them as if your famous or something.
The weekend takes place in Pickering and you can ride up and down the line on a steam train, we are meeting some friends who also dress in WW2 clothes.
Chris de beef burger is on five news and his song " lady in red" which I can't stand, he's going on about the song and how old it is, I remember when the dam thing came out , it was boring then and is boring now.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Woke up this morning with a big cuddly panda on me, and a gray cat who looked very comfortable.
My cold is no better and it's making me quite sick, my CF nurse is coming out to take bloods next week so I'll see if I can have some anibiotics called cipro to help if needs be, otherwise it's lots of warm fluids and soup for me for a while until I pick up.
I bought a 3D puzzle on line yesterday which came today so that will keep me busy for a while.
After Bagpuss told me he wanted to go to Uni to become a vet we had a sit down and a chat about it.I told him I would be lost with out him and who would carry my important stuff if he wasn't here to do that.After some thought the big pink stripy mog decided that I needed him more and he is happy to stay here with me and do his job of being a ruck sack.
I tried to phone my little sister Tasha today but she must have been busy as I got her voicemail, I'll try again next week sometime.
The weather has been nasty here today so I've spent today mainly watching daytime TV with Jasmine. Jasmine likes to watch Trisha Goddard type shows and tries to paw the screen when people start shouting!
I think Jasmine is bored now all the daddy long legs have gone, plus there are no flies to chase, she spends her time watching the world go by in the window and looking out for next doors dog.
Midge is next doors dog and Jasmine likes to teese her by jumping on the fence and walking up and down it as she knows Midge can't get to her. Jasmine hates dogs normally but seems to like Midge, if any other dog comes near, Jasmine she puffs up like a Christmas tree and hisses, her tail puffs up four times it's size which makes her look very odd indeed.
We were going to go to York tomorrow but if I feel as rough as I do now then we're staying at home( thank god).
Roger is still looking to buy a Jaguar E type roadster but has yet to find one at the right price, he's been saving for one for years and it's his dream car.
As a birthday present I bought Roger a lamborghini driving experience ( another faverite car of his) so we are doing that in November.
All I want for Christmas is Johnny Depp although I think his girlfriend wouldn't be best pleased, but I can dream!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Has a very busy day yesterday, I went to sunny Whitby with my mum. We had a good day but crikey it was long!
My cold is not getting better and my nose is blocked and sore, i look like santa's reindeer.
I was pleased to read my little sis, Tasha got her card and pressie( which i know it was late Tasha so I'm sorry for that but better late than never)
Bagpuss has decided to go to uni as train to be a vet! I don't think this is a good idea as he is very important to me and helps carry all my diabetic stuff.
i'm having a day at home with jasmine today and drink loads of tea as i'm not hungry and don't really want to eat. I've got earache as well which is horrible so i guess i better ring the hospital to get some Cipro or something, i can't have IV's any more because of my renal failure and if they do let me have IV's I have to have a very reduced dose and be in hospital, normally i stay a week before they have to stop the IV's, my poor little kidney's can't take it any more.
Jasmine is here as always purring round the keyboard, she is being very loving towards me, maybe because I feel poorly and she's trying to cheer me up!
Right i'm off after the tenth sneeze in five seconds, I hope I feel better tomorrow
sending Emmie, Emily and Tasha lots of love, just in case they are reading this.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Woke up with a banging headache and Jasmine paw dancing on my bed this morning.
I've been busy printing photo's off of Jasmine as we're having a painting done of her and the artist needed clear photo's of her.
I'm going to Whitby tomorrow with my mum, I don't feel like it but I'm trying to be the good daughter, anyway Whitby is a lovely place and takes about an hour on the bus from our house.My dad has gone for a scan today to see if they can find where the blood clots are in his leg. My sister, Joy has now got back from her holiday and had a great time, I spoke to her yesterday and got her up to date with my news.
Bagpuss is reading a lot of books and thinks he'll get to uni to study catology and the mind of a moggie, this could end up with me having to find a new ruck sack!
I've been making bread today as I have a bread machine and find making bread and stuff great fun.I had to ring the hospital to arrange someone to come and take blood for my renal function tests which were every week but cause my vains are as thin and spidery like a daddy long legs they said I can have them done every two weeks, Way hay!!!!
My little sis, Tasha should have got her birthday pressie from postman pat by now, if not it will get there by tomorrow I'm sure. I posted it on Saturday which was a day late for her birthday but I didn't get to the post office in time.
I must give Tasha a ring when I feel better and have a good chat on the phone, as I think that's nicer.
I still haven't got round to posting photo's on here, I will sometime soon.I'm really useless with things like that, I can't even text very well and it takes me a lifetime to write a few words, the way Bagpuss is going he's going be brighter than me, mind you most things are brighter than me anyway I'm blonde and allowed to be dim from time to time.
My right arm is still very painful and not heard from the physio yet, if she doesn't get in touch by the end of this week I'll have to ring and find out what's going on.
Right it's cup of tea time again, Jasmine is purring round the key board and is making this hard work. I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow that's the last thing my cold needs.

Monday, October 02, 2006

I've not felt too good today so this will be a short blog.Read some very lovely words on tasha's blog about me. I feel very strongly about the friendship I have made with Tasha and will always be there for her, I now have two sister's, my blood sister who I love dearly and my adopted sister Tasha, who I love as much as my blood sister Joy.
Jasmine has been a fussy pussy as i feel a bit poorly and she has been sitting on my bed purring, maybe she thinks this will make me better. I will write a bit more tomorrow but for now I'm going to bed and try and get rid of this bit of a cold, with a bit of luck I will feel better in the morning. For those of you wondering about the pink cat in my life( Bagpuss) he's fine and has his paws up reading a book on how to find the better cat within and drinking a hot cup of milk and stuffing his face with cat nibbles.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

So far we've been very busy this weekend. On Saturday we went to the cat show, there weren't as many moggies there like last time but there must have been about twenty five cats. Jasmine was not best pleased at being stuffed in a cage and looked at. When the judging started the stewart came to get Jasmine out of her pen, the first thing she did was wee down the front of the stewarts coat, then poo all over the floor, this was a great start plus the stewart wasn't best pleased we her as both were wet through.I cleaned up the pen and when Jasmine was brought back I cleaned her up and dried her, poor thing was so frightened, i felt terrible. roger helped calm her down and as the day progressed we won a lot of classes.After six hours it was time to go home with six 1st's, two 2nd's and two 3rd's which I thought wasn't too bad. we did judge the black and white cats but it was an easy job as only two turned up. i helped present the awards to all the winner's and give our Casper memorial cup to the winner of the black and white class.
we got home very tired and jasmine was a bit grumpy so we left her to settle down in her own way.
Today we didn't get up until late and some friends from the Isle of man came to see us which was lovely as we didn't know they were coming. after our friends left we went off to York to a classic car ralley, it was great but it rained heavy and i got cold, we had about an hout there then decided to make our way home as the weather wasn't picking up.we stopped for tea and cake at a little cafe we know and went into the gift shop where I bought another cuddley panda which i couldn't help but fall in love with.
My new cuddley panda has been called peaches,i'm going to need to move house at this rate as our house is full of bears!!!!
I've had some lovely messages from my friend Tasha, who is feeling a little brighter i think. She is my adopted little sister now as i have formed a very true, strong bond with this beautiful and brave young lady, she really has stole my heart with her out look on life and how she has coped with some terrible things that have happened. I never thought I would make a strong friendship again after years of loosing friends to CF, but Tasha has a warmth that draws me to her and I can honestly say I love this young girl like a real sister, the only other CF people i have a bond with are a little girl called Lois, Emma and of course Emily. It's not because I don't want CF friends but it hurts so deep if anything bad happens.
I'm still suffering with the sniffs and a sore throat, so i think it may be a cold coming on.Also my blood sugars are still going to low which is a pain but I'll try and speak to someone at the hospital about it next week.
Right I'm tired so I'm off for a good old cup of tea and then it's an early night for me.