big pink stripy cat

Friday, October 06, 2006

Woke up this morning with a big cuddly panda on me, and a gray cat who looked very comfortable.
My cold is no better and it's making me quite sick, my CF nurse is coming out to take bloods next week so I'll see if I can have some anibiotics called cipro to help if needs be, otherwise it's lots of warm fluids and soup for me for a while until I pick up.
I bought a 3D puzzle on line yesterday which came today so that will keep me busy for a while.
After Bagpuss told me he wanted to go to Uni to become a vet we had a sit down and a chat about it.I told him I would be lost with out him and who would carry my important stuff if he wasn't here to do that.After some thought the big pink stripy mog decided that I needed him more and he is happy to stay here with me and do his job of being a ruck sack.
I tried to phone my little sister Tasha today but she must have been busy as I got her voicemail, I'll try again next week sometime.
The weather has been nasty here today so I've spent today mainly watching daytime TV with Jasmine. Jasmine likes to watch Trisha Goddard type shows and tries to paw the screen when people start shouting!
I think Jasmine is bored now all the daddy long legs have gone, plus there are no flies to chase, she spends her time watching the world go by in the window and looking out for next doors dog.
Midge is next doors dog and Jasmine likes to teese her by jumping on the fence and walking up and down it as she knows Midge can't get to her. Jasmine hates dogs normally but seems to like Midge, if any other dog comes near, Jasmine she puffs up like a Christmas tree and hisses, her tail puffs up four times it's size which makes her look very odd indeed.
We were going to go to York tomorrow but if I feel as rough as I do now then we're staying at home( thank god).
Roger is still looking to buy a Jaguar E type roadster but has yet to find one at the right price, he's been saving for one for years and it's his dream car.
As a birthday present I bought Roger a lamborghini driving experience ( another faverite car of his) so we are doing that in November.
All I want for Christmas is Johnny Depp although I think his girlfriend wouldn't be best pleased, but I can dream!


  • At 8:43 AM, Blogger Tasha.x said…

    So gutted i missed your call i was at hospital:(. I tried to call you back but it went onto voicemail,i will maybe try again later tonight about 8ish honey. Thanks for the voicemail:D
    Hope your cold goes really soon honey and the you begin to start feeling better.
    Sending get well hugs and kisses to ya.
    All my love your little sis tasha xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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