big pink stripy cat

Monday, October 23, 2006

I didn't go to clinic on Friday due to problems with hospital not arranging my transport so i went shopping instead. saturday we went down to Stafford for the classic bike show, it was a great day but I got so out of breath I wish we'd taken my wheelchair. We stayed at Roger's Mum's over night as we were both tired, she only lives a few miles up the road from the showground so it seemed a better choice then driving four hours back home.
Sunday morning we set off for home and got back around 2pm. Jasmine was very pleased to see us and have been at the jigsaw again and we found bits of it in the hallway and in the kitchen with nice little teeth marks in them!
Today i just feel very tired so i'm not doing a lot today. my eyes are playing up today and Jasmine is playing in the douvet cover on the bed. I'm going to spend the rest of today drinking tea and cuddling a gray furball with whiskers and claws.


  • At 10:52 AM, Blogger Tasha.x said…

    Hey Ali i hope your ok and i hope your little eyes get better soon. Ive been thinkin about you loads as always and will give you a call through the week. Im back upto see the phycologist tomorrow. Sending u all my love and hugs your tasha xxxxx

  • At 8:26 AM, Blogger Tasha.x said…

    Your the best.
    Glad i would love to see you again, i'll make sure i get well and come see you.
    Yea i guess it will take time wont it, losing friends with cf is so so hard but you got to think they are now free from pain and struggle now! I had a lovely time with Clo and Alan,it cheered me up. Pity i was ill when i came home lol..little lungs decided they were going to play up again lol!
    Hope your ok darling.
    Love you so so much
    Litte sis tasha


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