big pink stripy cat

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Woke up with a banging headache and Jasmine paw dancing on my bed this morning.
I've been busy printing photo's off of Jasmine as we're having a painting done of her and the artist needed clear photo's of her.
I'm going to Whitby tomorrow with my mum, I don't feel like it but I'm trying to be the good daughter, anyway Whitby is a lovely place and takes about an hour on the bus from our house.My dad has gone for a scan today to see if they can find where the blood clots are in his leg. My sister, Joy has now got back from her holiday and had a great time, I spoke to her yesterday and got her up to date with my news.
Bagpuss is reading a lot of books and thinks he'll get to uni to study catology and the mind of a moggie, this could end up with me having to find a new ruck sack!
I've been making bread today as I have a bread machine and find making bread and stuff great fun.I had to ring the hospital to arrange someone to come and take blood for my renal function tests which were every week but cause my vains are as thin and spidery like a daddy long legs they said I can have them done every two weeks, Way hay!!!!
My little sis, Tasha should have got her birthday pressie from postman pat by now, if not it will get there by tomorrow I'm sure. I posted it on Saturday which was a day late for her birthday but I didn't get to the post office in time.
I must give Tasha a ring when I feel better and have a good chat on the phone, as I think that's nicer.
I still haven't got round to posting photo's on here, I will sometime soon.I'm really useless with things like that, I can't even text very well and it takes me a lifetime to write a few words, the way Bagpuss is going he's going be brighter than me, mind you most things are brighter than me anyway I'm blonde and allowed to be dim from time to time.
My right arm is still very painful and not heard from the physio yet, if she doesn't get in touch by the end of this week I'll have to ring and find out what's going on.
Right it's cup of tea time again, Jasmine is purring round the key board and is making this hard work. I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow that's the last thing my cold needs.


  • At 8:12 AM, Blogger Tasha.x said…

    Hey darling sorry to hear you woke up with a headache hope you are feeling much better now.

    Yay i will fone you as soon as your feeling better for a nice little chat.
    I got a letter today i have to go and pick my parcel up tomorrow at the office:D Thank you so much.

    Your a star. I hope everything goes ok with your dad and im glad ur sister had a fab holiday!

    Sending u lots of love as always angel

  • At 2:01 PM, Blogger Tasha.x said…

    Thank you so so much for my card and pressie. You are a star. Its so lovely and has pirde of place on the shelf in my room. You should get my card and letter soon. Hope your better soon.
    All my love to you big sis
    Tasha x xx x xx x


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