big pink stripy cat

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Has a very busy day yesterday, I went to sunny Whitby with my mum. We had a good day but crikey it was long!
My cold is not getting better and my nose is blocked and sore, i look like santa's reindeer.
I was pleased to read my little sis, Tasha got her card and pressie( which i know it was late Tasha so I'm sorry for that but better late than never)
Bagpuss has decided to go to uni as train to be a vet! I don't think this is a good idea as he is very important to me and helps carry all my diabetic stuff.
i'm having a day at home with jasmine today and drink loads of tea as i'm not hungry and don't really want to eat. I've got earache as well which is horrible so i guess i better ring the hospital to get some Cipro or something, i can't have IV's any more because of my renal failure and if they do let me have IV's I have to have a very reduced dose and be in hospital, normally i stay a week before they have to stop the IV's, my poor little kidney's can't take it any more.
Jasmine is here as always purring round the keyboard, she is being very loving towards me, maybe because I feel poorly and she's trying to cheer me up!
Right i'm off after the tenth sneeze in five seconds, I hope I feel better tomorrow
sending Emmie, Emily and Tasha lots of love, just in case they are reading this.


  • At 9:23 AM, Blogger Tasha.x said…

    Always read ur blog.
    hope u feel better soon angel.
    Your pressie and card were lovey.
    sending u millions of get well hugs
    ur little sis tasha x x x x


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