big pink stripy cat

Monday, October 09, 2006

Over the weekend I got slightly worse with this cold, so I didn't go anywhere and stayed at home with Jasmine while Roger went to York on Saturday to do a few jobs for his Dad. I was kind of pleased to stay at home as I really dislike going to Roger's dad's house as it's always cold and damp.
Watched a lot of telly on Sunday and had a good Sunday dinner which is the first thing I've eaten since Friday( a part from Haribo tangfastics which really isn't good enough)
I've woke up today feeling better although I have a lovely chesty cough, my nurse is coming to see me on Wednesday and will bring some cipro to help my chest.
Jasmine has murdered two giant blue bottles which flew into the house, she took great pleasure in killing them and once dead she ate them! what a lovely moggie I own.
Jasmine has also been chasing after my feet which she likes to bite if you don't wear slipper's, she does her funny combat moves on you and thinks you can't see her as she hides behind things and jumps out on you then runs like hell so you can't grab her and tickle her fat tummy.
I should write a book about my cat and her adventures, maybe she'll make me rich!
I'm going to phone Tasha later as she wasn't available on Friday, she sent me a lovely card and letter which made me cry.
Jasmine is fast a sleep right now and she's snoring! she's curled up on her scratching post, she's tired out after her busy weekend.
It's wartime weekend next weekend which we go to every year dressed in WW2 uniform, it's a great weekend but gets very busy. The strange thing is people ask for your photo's with them as if your famous or something.
The weekend takes place in Pickering and you can ride up and down the line on a steam train, we are meeting some friends who also dress in WW2 clothes.
Chris de beef burger is on five news and his song " lady in red" which I can't stand, he's going on about the song and how old it is, I remember when the dam thing came out , it was boring then and is boring now.


  • At 4:30 AM, Blogger Tasha.x said…

    Hey big sister
    Glad to hear you feel a little better today:D Hopefully u will be even better tomorrow.
    Glad you liked that card and letter honey.
    Give my love to all
    Love your little sis


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