big pink stripy cat

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

It's been a strange kind of morning today, first my family member is having a very serious operation done today and it will take up to six hours so my thought's are with them right now. Second the chair we have at the computer table decided to collapse while I was sitting on it, one minute I was sitting on the chair , the next" bump" I was on the floor, I found that the screw holding the chair together had worked it's self free and that's why it collapsed.
Jasmine thought this was a good time to attack me while I was on the floor so we ended up play fighting and guess who came off worse for wear!!!( me).
I've not felt too good the last few day's and seem to have a lot more pain in my chest, no doubt in normal circumstances I would have had some IV's by now but because of my renal failure i can't have any unless I go in and stay in hospital for two weeks , which is a waste of time as last time I could only have a few days treatment before they told me to stop the IV's and go home. I'm at clinic on Friday so i'll see what they say then.
I feel very " fat" today but I think it's fluid more than anything else, I'm trying not to think about it but I still find weight and stuff very hard to cope with although I've done really well with my anorexia so far, little steps is what I'm doing as long as I don't go backwards!
My eyes are playing up abit and I'm finding it hard to read things, it's a huge worry to me and I try so hard to keep my diabetes under control but having all the problems i do with an eating disorder it gets very difficult at times.
I had a long chat with my sister Joy on the phone, she's got a lot going on at the moment and needed cheering up, I made her laugh at something that happened over the weekend and both of us couldn't stop laughing for ages, it felt good. i left home at 15 going on 16 and missed my sister while I was living away, we both had a tough time growing up and my only regret is that I left my sister behind. We share a very strong bond which my Mum seems jealous of for some very odd reason, she plays one off against another which has caused problems in the past but now we tend to leave her to it.I very rarely speak to my Dad, not because of anything but he's never at home and always working.
I've found writing on here is very therapeutic and I can waffle on a bit sometimes but what the hell, it's good reading sometimes.
My jigsaw is getting nowhere as the furry gray thing and nicked off with pieces and keeps hiding them.I might finish it before Christmas if I'm lucky!
I've been watching " Everybody loves Raymond " on sky, which is really quite funny, I also like to watch Seinfeld as I've got bored with Home and Away and neighbours!
I've got my sponsor money all together for Emily's Angels, it should have been in at the start of the month but people have been very slow at giving their money to me, so as always I've been running around trying to get their backsides in gear. I've raised £445 which aint bad, it's nice to do things to make a difference no matter how big or small they are.


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