big pink stripy cat

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I spoke to my little sister, Tasha yesterday on the phone which was lovely. All I could hear was Tasha giggling down the phone as i told her that Jasmine kept running off with the jigsaw pieces.
my cold is getting better although i've got a chesty cough now. I had a lovely e-mail from my friend kirstie, she is going to send some wedding photo's to me as she got married a few months ago.
Jasmine is very well and keeps running off with pieces from my 3D jigsaw, which i'm trying to do.I'm sure I will find some bits missing because madam furball has taken them and hidden them near her scratching post along with her toy spider, a few catnip mice and a fury thing on a stick.
Bagpuss has been very quite and spends time reading and sleeping. I wish Jasmine would do more sleeping and then I might be able to finish my jigsaw without being attacked by a manic gray creature with sharp teeth and claws.
I've got to buy a 40th birthday present for our friend Richard, who's birthday it is on Saturday. I haven't a clue what to get him.
This cold has made me feel like not eating much as I can't taste anything, even tangfastics taste like glue, so I really must try and eat something soon otherwise i'll get told off from the hospital.
I'm going to send some photo's of Jasmine to Tasha, Jasmine looks like an angel in all the photo's I've taken of her, but is really satan in gray fur.


  • At 8:06 AM, Blogger Tasha.x said…

    Hey big sister, was lovely chatting to you on the phone it put a big smile on my face:D
    Yay i cant wait too see the photos of jasmine i bet she is gorgeous.
    Hope you will be able to eat soon honey and i hope your little cough goes away to
    Sendin u loads of love as always
    Your little sis


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