big pink stripy cat

Friday, October 27, 2006

Jasmine was flat out asleep on her scratching post this morning, i was busy in the Kitchen when i heard a big " thump" then a rather load meeeeeeeeeeow, I turned and saw a gray blur racing into the bedroom. i can only think that gray ferret was in a deep sleep, rolled over and fell off her post. Jasmine finally came out from under the bed looking very sorry for herself so i picked her up and cradled her in my arms like a baby with her purring her little heart out.
Jasmine gets into so much trouble around the house, she found a sticky label off something and tried to eat eat, the only thing that happened was she got it stuck to her whisker's and got quite upset with the label, she did manage to free the label from her whiskers and walk off in a huff. When I picked the label up off the floor there was gray fur stuck to it.
I really enjoyed meeting Shirley yesterday, She left a message to say I should have told her my kidneys were hurting but i didn't want to worry her plus I'm good at masking the pain I get, it's years of practice i guess.
I'm looking forward to a quite weekend with my mum coming to visit tomorrow and going to see swan lake on Sunday.
The gray owl thing is asleep again, I'm going to come back as a cat and a pampered one at that!


  • At 8:54 AM, Blogger Tasha.x said…

    Glad you had a lovely day with shirely and her little boy.
    Im still totally floored with this flu, i havent left the house in 5 really fed up!! Hope i start to feel better soon. Im back to hospital on monday so will see what happens. Hope your ok and feeling good. Lots of love beautiful big sis xxxxxxxxx

  • At 12:47 PM, Blogger Tasha.x said…

    Im glad that little jasmine is keeping you on your toes hehe! She seems to be good at that. Im sure al get there. Thanks for all the lovely comments you leave me they mean so much to me..Hope yous are all ok and having a lovely weekend.
    All my love to you big sister


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