big pink stripy cat

Thursday, October 12, 2006

A friend from the CF boards has had to go into hospital and I hope to visit her very soon, I say friend even though we have never met but you kind of get to know people over the message boards.
Jasmine the furry ferret has been nicking off the the jigsaw bits again, the best place to look for them is under her scratching post with her toy spider( bider, as we call him) I think I will have to find a new home for the jigsaw as I can see this taking a while to finish it at this rate.
Had my hair done today and sent a text to Tasha, I made her laugh as she said i'd be all beautiful again after having my hair done, I told her that I look like the back end of a bus!
I have a worring time over the next week or so as one of my family has to have an operation, I don't want to say too much but this is a very serious operation.
Well Jasmine is meowing for her tea, so I better get on. We have a busy weekend ahead but I'm looking forward to it and my cold is getting better by the day( YAY)


  • At 1:25 PM, Blogger Tasha.x said…

    Hey honey, i'm going to see phycologist next week, i cant really speak about how i feel though i just bottle everything up inside. I hope your family member is ok. I bet your all beautiful with ur hair now hehe! U did have me laughing. I do feel alone sometimes but i know i have people there which means so much to me so thank you, your such a star ali.
    All my love
    Your little sister x x


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