big pink stripy cat

Monday, October 30, 2006

My weekend was fine.My mum came on Saturday and we had a good chat about family stuff.Sunday was OK , we took mum out for dinner as it was such a lovely day then in the evening me and mum went to see the ballet, Swan Lake which was fantastic.
today mum went home and i went to clinic.I have to go in hospital after the 20th Nov for some IV's although my blows were the best in years, the doctor took my blood and had trouble finding a good enough vein and ended up going in my wrist!
I'm not that bothered in going into hospital, I need a rest and feel worn out, so I want to be well for Xmas.
My poor little Tasha is in hospital feeling very poorly with the flu, I hope she feels better soon.
although my relationship isn't great with my mum, i kind of miss her.The thing is she's my mum and I can't help but love her no matter what's happened.Mum rang me once she had got home and said she had enjoyed her time here which was nice to hear.I'm the kind of person who gives other's a second chance, although my mum has had more than a few chances maybe she is trying hard too and we should try and forgive and forget if it means I can have a good relationship with her.


  • At 6:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good to hear you had a lovely time on sunday,taking your mum out for dinner and seeing swan lake,but disapointed to hear you need to have IV's,what a bummer!
    Anyway hope all is well,and pass on my best wishes to Tasha and tell the young one to get well really soon and to fight with all her might against CF.

    Shirley xXx


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