big pink stripy cat

Monday, October 16, 2006

After Fridays hoo har with the hoover sucking up Jasmine's tail, the mad moggie has found the hiding place of the jigsaw and has been nicking off with the pieces and hiding them behind the sofa along with the body guard , her toy spider. Jasmine has been in a bad mood over the weekend and keeps meowing to be let out to go and play with next doors dog, Midge.
We went to our friends 40th birthday party on Saturday night, which was great. We had a good old boogie although my boogie days are slower these days as I get so out of breath but it's great physio!. We left the party around midnight and got home to find fury gray creature flat out asleep on the sofa.
Sunday was the wartime weekend at Pickering, we've been going in WW2 uniforms for five years and love the whole thing. The weekend starts on the Friday and ends on the Sunday, we normally go for the main two days but because we had the party on the Saturday we didn't do that this year.
We met up with some mates from York and spent the day going round the Yorkshire moors and spotting Germans.
The wartime weekend is a good reason to play dress up and people go the whole hog in 1940's clothes.
I've been told that one of the articles I had in the paper's wasn't that good by someone who works on my CF team, this upset me as I've never said I'm on deaths door and have only ever tried to get the awareness we need for the trust and the life life then give life cause. There's always some twit that has to put you down for doing something good, I think they only do this cause they can't get off their fat arses and do something positive themselves and if this is what they think then why the hell can't they keep their big gobs shut and piddle off !
I don't think people understand that all the articles I've had in the papers have been because of me ringing and writing round to see who was interested in the story which is a lot of hard work plus all the work I've done with the CF bracelets, it doesn't just happen on it's own it's months of hard bloody work.
I get so angry with that kind of person and I'm sorry for ranting but god it makes my blood boil.
On a lighter note I got in touch with my friend, Shirley to see if she was OK after going into hospital and to see if she would like to meet sometime , which i think she will( YAY).
my little haggis ( Tasha) is getting herself sorted slowly, it just takes time to get back on track and someone to listen to her and understand the stresses CF puts on you, I hope that my little chick is happy soon, I wish I could be closer to her so we could hang out and chat, she might find that, that would help a little.
I have a close friend who is very ill at the moment and I'm kind of getting ready for " that" phone call. I'm 35 and have delt with so many of those calls it's unreal and very unfair. So far I've lost 24 friends to CF, I never get use to it and never will, it breaks my heart time after time after time, CF is ruthless and doesn't care of the after math.
I never knew that I would have to deal with death so early on in life, I know one thing and that is CF has made me grow up fast and deal with things in an adult way sooner rather than later, and yes I do hate CF but if I didn't have it maybe I wouldn't be the person I am today, a kind, caring compassionate person who want's to make a difference while I have the chance.
Bagpuss is in a mood as he hasn't been out since Thursday, but I've not been anywhere to take him.
Jasmine is cat boxing my hairbrush, she doesn't like black objects and sits on her back paws and swipes the air with her front paws hence " cat boxing", she's a nutter but she's so cute you can't get cross at her. When the hoover sucked her tail up it was an accident as I didn't know she was there so please don't think I do this kind of thing for fun.
Jasmine is now watching a bird in our garden and is chattering at it, so it's just as well that she's in doors otherwise it would have been little black birdie for Jasmine's tea I think.


  • At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow,what a long post Ally.I love reading your posts,because i'm a nosey bugger and like to know the in's and out's of other peoples life's lol.
    I know it was an accident with the hover and jasmine,as i know you wouldn't be so cruel,but it made me laugh anyway,as i've done it before been hoving around the cat put the hose down or rest it against the wall and it falls over,next minute cat is been sucked up the hover.

    Shirley xXx

  • At 10:31 AM, Blogger Tasha.x said…

    i love reading your blogs x i been to hosp today went ok i suppose been finding things hard still but i'll get there..i have the flu now so ive been floored all weekend. glad u have a lovely weekend.. all my love to u big sister and hugs too. ur little sister x x


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