big pink stripy cat

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

It's been one of those day's today. I haven't been sleeping very well the last few night's mainly because i've been worried about a family member who had a very serious operation yesterday, after nearly eight hours they were back on ICU and recovering. I had a call this morning that my family member had been moved onto another ward and was doing well, Thank goodness.
Jasmine has taken to sleeping in the bathroom sink, which isn't a problem but we have a drippy cold tap and her bum got wet through. Jasmine has been quite a fussy pussy today so maybe she could tell i was a bit out of sorts.She has spent this afternoon on her blanket with my Eeyore next to her which was kind of cute.
I know my little Tasha has been feeling poorly with a cold, I hope she gets over it soon as she is going to see her friends and spend some time with Lainey, the last thing this little chick needs is to feel poorly with a cold.
I'm at clinic on Friday ( oh the joy) so i want them to look at my arm which is no better and i still haven't heard from the physio who was meant to have been in touch after my last clinic visit which was about six weeks ago. i get fed up with chasing round after people and sorting stuff out, no doubt other's have problems like this too.


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