big pink stripy cat

Monday, October 02, 2006

I've not felt too good today so this will be a short blog.Read some very lovely words on tasha's blog about me. I feel very strongly about the friendship I have made with Tasha and will always be there for her, I now have two sister's, my blood sister who I love dearly and my adopted sister Tasha, who I love as much as my blood sister Joy.
Jasmine has been a fussy pussy as i feel a bit poorly and she has been sitting on my bed purring, maybe she thinks this will make me better. I will write a bit more tomorrow but for now I'm going to bed and try and get rid of this bit of a cold, with a bit of luck I will feel better in the morning. For those of you wondering about the pink cat in my life( Bagpuss) he's fine and has his paws up reading a book on how to find the better cat within and drinking a hot cup of milk and stuffing his face with cat nibbles.


  • At 3:44 PM, Blogger Tasha.x said…

    Sending you all my love and hugs and hope you are feelin better really reall soon. I posted your card and letter today:d YAY so you will get it soon i hope. I love you like my real sister too and you are just like one.

    I will be in touch very soon take care of yourself angel.
    Love you to the moon and back x x x x x x x


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