big pink stripy cat

Sunday, October 01, 2006

So far we've been very busy this weekend. On Saturday we went to the cat show, there weren't as many moggies there like last time but there must have been about twenty five cats. Jasmine was not best pleased at being stuffed in a cage and looked at. When the judging started the stewart came to get Jasmine out of her pen, the first thing she did was wee down the front of the stewarts coat, then poo all over the floor, this was a great start plus the stewart wasn't best pleased we her as both were wet through.I cleaned up the pen and when Jasmine was brought back I cleaned her up and dried her, poor thing was so frightened, i felt terrible. roger helped calm her down and as the day progressed we won a lot of classes.After six hours it was time to go home with six 1st's, two 2nd's and two 3rd's which I thought wasn't too bad. we did judge the black and white cats but it was an easy job as only two turned up. i helped present the awards to all the winner's and give our Casper memorial cup to the winner of the black and white class.
we got home very tired and jasmine was a bit grumpy so we left her to settle down in her own way.
Today we didn't get up until late and some friends from the Isle of man came to see us which was lovely as we didn't know they were coming. after our friends left we went off to York to a classic car ralley, it was great but it rained heavy and i got cold, we had about an hout there then decided to make our way home as the weather wasn't picking up.we stopped for tea and cake at a little cafe we know and went into the gift shop where I bought another cuddley panda which i couldn't help but fall in love with.
My new cuddley panda has been called peaches,i'm going to need to move house at this rate as our house is full of bears!!!!
I've had some lovely messages from my friend Tasha, who is feeling a little brighter i think. She is my adopted little sister now as i have formed a very true, strong bond with this beautiful and brave young lady, she really has stole my heart with her out look on life and how she has coped with some terrible things that have happened. I never thought I would make a strong friendship again after years of loosing friends to CF, but Tasha has a warmth that draws me to her and I can honestly say I love this young girl like a real sister, the only other CF people i have a bond with are a little girl called Lois, Emma and of course Emily. It's not because I don't want CF friends but it hurts so deep if anything bad happens.
I'm still suffering with the sniffs and a sore throat, so i think it may be a cold coming on.Also my blood sugars are still going to low which is a pain but I'll try and speak to someone at the hospital about it next week.
Right I'm tired so I'm off for a good old cup of tea and then it's an early night for me.


  • At 11:48 AM, Blogger Tasha.x said…

    Hey my lovely sister sounds like you've had a lovely weekend. Well done to Jasmine for winning so many, bet she is gorgeous.

    I had tears in my eyes reading this post honey, the things you have said about me are absoultley beautiful honey, i love you like a real sister too and you will always hold a special place in my heart. Your such a big inspiration to me and i hope i always have you in my life, as i would never want to lose someone as special as you.

    I hope i will get to see you again sometime soon.
    Dont forget how special you are.
    Love you with all my heart
    Your little sister Tasha xxxxx

  • At 12:34 AM, Blogger Tinypoppet said…

    hey sweetie, hope you are feeling better this morning and that cold isnt developing! Look after yourself...Sending a big pink hug your way as always xxx


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