big pink stripy cat

Friday, October 13, 2006

Well I thought I'd post on here again after reading the comment's some lovely people put on my blog.
Shirley is back home which was quick but at least she will be able to move a bit better, but I hope she doesn't over do it! you take it easy mate.
I was also pleased to read that my little sister Tasha is getting help with one or two things, that little jellybean needs a break and something happy to look forward to.
Seeing that my earlier post was a little too serious something funny has happened this afternoon. I was hoovering the bedroom floor and didn't see Jasmine behind me, she was trying to get out of the way as she doesn't like the hoover, I dropped the hose and next thing I heard a huge MEOW, looked round and there was the gray fury ferret with her tail, yes her tail being sucked up the hoover's hose! needless to say she wasn't best pleased with me and when I got to switch the hoover off so that it would release her tail she shot off under the bed.It's taken the best part of an hour to get her from under the bed, that's kind of payback for taking the jigsaw pieces( He, He, He ) not that I'm saying you should do this just for fun as that's just cruel!


  • At 9:02 AM, Blogger Tasha.x said…

    Hey big sister
    I'll be fine dont worry bout me, i'll get there hopefully. Just need to sort my little head out!

    Awwww hope jasmie is ok.
    Your the best Ali
    All my love
    Ur little sis x x x

  • At 3:28 PM, Blogger jellyeels said…

    Ally, i am so sorry but i'm sat here now giggling away at the hover sucking up jasmine tail,it is cruel but for some reason you have me giggling away.My cat is also scared of the hover and runs a mile when it comes out.
    Don't worry yourself about me i will be fine,as you say i can move hell of alot more now.Bit of pain but thats expected,because of the drain.

    Lots of love,
    Shirley xXx


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