big pink stripy cat

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

just read my little sister, Tasha's blog, she's had a great time meeting her dear friends Alan and clo from Ireland, and staying with lainey. Poor little thing has been very depressed for a while and I think seeing these friends has lifted her spirits a great deal.
i've felt qiute sick this morning as i didn't sleep very well last night due to pain in my poorly right arm.
Jasmine went in the garden this morning and tried to attack a big fat bird on the fence but missed it as she jumped at it too soon. Roger said he saw a stag that had been run over yesterday on his way to work, a van had run it over and the poor thing was still rolling around in the road, i'm pleased I wasn't there as i would have sat with the animal and asked for someone to go and get a vet to put the poor creature out of its pain.
I've been watching panda cam and the baby panda at Altlantic zoo, I love pandas and can watch this for ages.
Me and Bagpuss are going Xmas shopping on Thursday and meeting my friend and her son. i know it's far too early to go Xmas shopping but the sooner it's done the sooner it's finished and i don't need to do the last dash to the shops and beat the millions of shopper's.


  • At 6:40 AM, Blogger Tasha.x said…

    Sorry to hear you been feeling sick, sending so many lovely hugs. Im just back from hospital was back up seeing the phycologist again, managed to speak a little more about my deep feelings still find it hard but hopefully will get easier as time goes on. Im going to come visit you the star of next year:DIf thats ok,hehe i would love to see you again.
    Love ya millions big sister
    Love your little sister tasha xxxxxx

  • At 12:50 PM, Blogger Tasha.x said…

    my ali your the best honey, i hope your ok. Yeah i know it will take time too, just got to hang in there havent you. Losing friends with cf is so hard,it feels like your heart has been ripped out but you just have to think and remember that they are free from pain and struggle now. I will definetley come see you, get my little self well and come see my big sister..As i really want to see you again, it will be lovely.
    All my love wonderful sister
    Your little sis tasha x x x


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