big pink stripy cat

Thursday, December 14, 2006

The wind here has been really strong so I've not been anywhere and feel like a hamster stuck in a cage.
I've been running, yes running on the treadmill in the garage to try and keep my mind off things, it worked as i was more bothered about getting out of breath and falling on the floor in a big heap. I must be honest I haven't kept up my training on the treadmill as i only go on it now for some physio.I kind of thought about doing the London marathon again but I think the renal unit and my CF team would have kittens if I mention it to them.
My Dad is still doing OK and seemed happy yesterday as he knows i'm going up to see him at the weekend. I'll get some shopping done for Mum and take it up there as she was running out of cat food.
R is at his works Xmas meal tonight so I have the TV to myself again.
Jasmine doesn't like this strong wind and hates going out for a wee, she doesn't like the wind blowing up her bum mind you I wouldn't like that either.
I've at last finished a watercolour painting I started months ago, it's for my sister and her husbands 1st anniversary in Jan.
I've done many paintings in my time and love it, it just takes me ages sometimes, I love Clude Monet and one day hope to go to his house in France and see his beautiful waterlilly pond.My paintings are no where near like Clude Monet's but I try and use the same brush strokes and colours like he did and it doesn't look too bad.
I've had a few more bracelet orders, they've done really well.
We going to a surprise birthday party tomorrow night, it's our neighbours 30th i really don't want to go but have to really, just because they asked us to and they are our neighbours.
The Christmas tree is still standing and i think Jasmine has got bored of trying to get to the fairy.Maybe i should stick her up there instead with a pair of wings which I still have after the Hydro active and see if she really likes being up there, my guess would be no and she's start meowing like she did when she got stuck up the tree next door.


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