big pink stripy cat

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

It was nice to read the comment that Nicola posted for me, I don't feel such a burke now, the feelings haven't gone away but in time maybe things will seem better. i have decided to have a big holiday and travel to Florida and hawaii, but first I need to save up abit of money then i'll be off. It will be my last big holiday as my kidneys are giving up and I know it will be difficult to travel, so I'm going to make the most of it come rain or shine.
the last couple of days I've been quite depressed, I'm sure it's with the weather getting colder. Jasmine is sleeping more during the day, but has a mad fling now and again.
I managed to get up yesterday and go into town to pay some cheques in the bracelet account, i've yet to send a cheque to the trust but everytime I've gone to sort it out another cheque arrives. So far the rosebud bracelets have made £267 and the last time I spoke to Susie , she said she would be sending a cheque to me to send to the trust for £269 from the sale of the butterfly christmas bracelets which is fantastic.As I walked round Scarborough I bumped into Shirley which was nice, the only reason I didn't make arrangments to meet Shirley was because I still have a cold and the weather wasn't brill.
I haven't seen sooty in the last few days but I know he's around as Jasmine goes doo lally every now and again by puffing up and hissing at nothing.


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