big pink stripy cat

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Still feeling iffy with this cold and have started with a lovely chesty cough( great). I sound like mutley when I laugh with all the crackles and wheezy noises I keep making.
while I've not been able to do a great deal i've been watching Dog the bounty hunter on sky TV. I've enjoyed watching the programme not for what they really do but for Dog's son Leland, he's gorgeous and has long dark hair and is single! although I'm never going to even meet the bloke there's no harm in dreaming.
Jasmine is back on form and found a spider in the hallway, it didn't stand a chance and the big gray furry paw of fate squished it into the carpet making a dirty spider mark on it.
I've felt a bit low the last few days but I put that down to not feeling well. I want to get my hospital stay out of the way and then I can look forward to Christmas a bit more.
my dad is not well and his other leg is swelling up, he has made another appointment to see his doctor but can't see him till next tuesday, in the meantime my Dad is suffering with a lot of pain.
Been reading my friend Emily's blog, she's a real fighter and made me laugh with the things that have happened to her at hospital. Emily is still waiting for a double lung transplant, I'm really hoping that santa will have a good strong pair of lungs for her for Christmas, she's such a lovely person with a huge heart, i wish i could give her the lungs but sadly it's a long waiting game and that clock keeps ticking. i know Emily didn't think she would see another Christmas this time last year but the angels are keeping her safe as she's still here fighting as hard as ever.


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