big pink stripy cat

Saturday, November 18, 2006

I don't feel any better, and feel quite sick I'm getting the feeling this isn't anything to do with my CF it's my bloody kidneys!
The weather has gone from cold to freezing and Jasmine wants to go out and play but hates the wind blowing up her bum! plus its so cold it can freeze snot in seconds.
I'm feeling a bit happier and have come to terms with one or two things, one thing is for sure I'm saving up like mad to go to Hawaii, nothing is going to change my mind now.
sooty has been playing tricks and has been moving Jasmine's cat treats, unless someone else is.
Once I've had my stay in hotel Seacroft I'm sure my wacky sense of humour will return, coping with CF is bloody hard work yet those who don't suffer can't understand. it's the same old story, because you don't look ill people think your making a huge thing out of nothing, oh if only they knew!


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