big pink stripy cat

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Jasmine got her first Xmas card today from Emma's dog, Daisy which was really sweet. I've started with a cold which i think I got from my Mum when I went to see Dad last weekend, i have a really bad cough which sounds more like a dog barking than a human coughing!
I think we're about ready for Xmas and have got some pressie round the tree which Jasmine keeps trying to climb.
We have a nodding reindeer in the garden which gets a lot of attention from the neighbours.
Dad is doing OK but still hasn't come to terms with his Cancer and gets grumpy with us quite quickly. It's early days i know and I hope in time he will come to terms with his illness and start to fight it, the way things are at the moment he just isn't fighting or staying positive.
My sister isn't well either at the moment so I'm trying to support everyone the best way I can.
some friends are coming to see me later today, so it will take my mind off things a bit.
I wish it was summer so that I could get out on the bike to blow the cobwebs away, going out on the motorbike helps a great deal and is very good physio for me.
I'm going to bark my way to the kitchen and find something for this sore throat which is driving me up the wall.


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