big pink stripy cat

Monday, December 18, 2006

I went to see my Dad this weekend. He was still in bed when I got there so mum got him up and dressed and he came down to see me. At first it was a huge shock to see him looking so thin and frail, my once big strong Dad was no longer stood towering above me but in his place was this very pale, thin frail man. I tried so hard to hide the tears that were building up inside my eyes, dad just came towards me and gave me a huge hug like never before. " come on duckie", he said and with that we both stood in each others arms in tears.
This was a very hard visit for me as Ive said before, my mum and Dad have never really been there for me but I felt I had to go and support my family the best way I could, and after all said and done he's my Dad and i love him no matter what has happened in the past.
i helped Mum put a few xmas decs up although they don't feel like it's Xmas but I thought it might cheer them up a bit.
i don't think Dad is handling things very well, mind you it's very early days so I think he's still in shock with the news.
I helped with a few jobs around the house that needed doing and then had some dinner.
leaving was the hardest thing, I gave Dad a big hug and a kiss and went to the door, I could see him getting upset and i told him I loved him then went to the car. Mum came out with us to say goodbye. " It's not Dad is it" she said and again I started to cry. me and my mum have had an up and down relationship but she hugged me and told me not to worry.
On the way home I couldn't believe how my Dad looked, he's only 67 but looks like 87.
If I could move closer to them I would, I have my own life and i'm soft, I give in to anyone and hate upsetting people but if Dad does get worse I'd think about moving closer .
I had a quick look on the CF forum last night only to read the very sad news that one of the lads had passed away.I didn't know the person but it still upsets me that CF has taken another life.
Jasmine has been looking under the Xmas tree at some presants that are for her but she'll have to wait, I've told her that human's have Father christmas but animals have Santa paws, I know she doesn't really get it but it's more for me than her I think. Jasmine would be happy with a few daddy longlegs to play with, or even a huge spider!


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