big pink stripy cat

Thursday, September 28, 2006

My friend Tasha has been able to go home which is great news as it's her birthday on Friday.
I should have been at eye clinic today BUT stupid muppet me booked transport for today thinking my appointment was today when in fact after reading the letter the eye clinic sent me I should have been there yesterday! I can't believe that I've missed my appointment, this has never happened to me and i was getting all worked up to go, Oh bloody hell!
Jasmine has been wondering around looking for something to kill, I think she's cleared the house of flies, woodlice, daddy longlegs and anything living.
Roger is away tonight as he's gone to Milton keanes ( hope the spelling is right) on a course and set off at 6am , he'll be home sometime tomorrow after stopping off in York to see his Dad.
I got a post card from my sister who is having a great holiday.
So I'm going to get on and do some jobs around the house seeing that I don't need to go to the hospital.I have rearranged an appointment for 1st Nov, what a noodle, I feel so stupid, I blame my age i'm getting so forgetful.I felt so guilty I've written a letter to apologise for me not turning up to see my eye doctor, like I said I've never done this before I think my mind is in another place.


  • At 3:58 AM, Blogger Tasha.x said…

    Your the best Ally, Its great to be home & sleep in my own wee bed. Dont realise just how much you miss those small things. Shame about the eye clinic, hope all goes well on the 1st. Im going to finish writing your letter today & post it 2moz with ur card :D:D So you should get it start of next week. Hope all is well with you. Sending u lots of love & hugs as always hunni..xxxxxxxxxxxx

  • At 3:34 PM, Blogger Tasha.x said…

    ALLY YOU ARE AN ANGEL. Thanks so much. I will definetley see you again honey. Thanks for postin me a lil pressie, ur a star chik. Love ur wee msgs u leave me, always make me smile. Hope your well. Love to all..xxxxxxxxxxx


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