big pink stripy cat

Friday, September 29, 2006

Had a really bad hypo last night which freaked me out a bit. Normally I'm not too bad but that's when Roger is around to help, this time he was away on a course and it frightened me being on my own. I managed to get myself sorted out but when I came round felt as sick as a dog.
Got up this morning with Jasmine laying next to me on the bed, she's been there all night as she knew something wasn't right and meowed a lot at me. Maybe this was a cat's way of keeping me awake whilst having a hypo as if I'd gone to sleep I most certainly wouldn't be here now writing this.
Found out my Dad has had to go to hospital as the doctor thought he's got a blood clot in his leg, and has gone for tests. My Dad is nearly 68 and works like an old cart horse so I think he's over done things and not looked after his self very well. Mum told me dad isn't eating and has lost weight( daft old git) I'm sure he'll be a happy hamster waiting for tests at the hospital, now he'll know how I feel when I have to have things done.
I love my Mum and Dad but we never have got on 100% and I have had to learn to take bad news without them. Some CF families would do anything for the person in their family with CF, but not mine. Both my sister and I have been on our own for many years, never having any help from our Mum or Dad.Even when I had to tell them about my Anorexia they didn't believe it cos someone elses daughter had it and she didn't do the same thing as me. Maybe there's some guilt on their behalf with both me and Joy having so many health problems, I really don't know, whatever it is I have never blamed them for my health problems and never will, it's too unfair to do that. I was once asked by a social worker if I blamed anyone for me having CF, I looked at her and laughed, "what a stupid thing to say", I said " I have and never will blame anyone" and walked off leaving her with her gob open as I slammed the door behind me. I did swear at her too but that would be a bit too much to write, you get the picture.
Well it's cat show day tomorrow, YAY, I'm soooooo looking forward to it as I know my beautiful gray girl will win something( sorry for getting abit big headed).
It's also my little scottish haggis's 16th birthday today, which had a nice surprise for her from the wonderful world of CF friends and families, Happy birthday again Tasha( I had to say it as I know you'll read this later, he he he)
It's nice to make those around you smile, it gives me a sense of being the fairy Godmother, I like doing nice things for other's, what comes around , goes around so they say( I think I've got that right, anyway you know what I mean)
Right I've been going on too long, and I want a cup of tea so I'll sign off now and update you on what happens tomorrow.My Mum is coming up for a week starting tomorrow, Oh happy day!!!!


  • At 9:07 AM, Blogger Tasha.x said…

    Thank you so so so so much Ally, i will be forever thankfull to you, the gifts were beautiful. I am so taken away by your kidness, it means more than the world to me. Your are an angel hunni..All my love to u xxxxxxx

  • At 1:00 PM, Blogger Tasha.x said…

    Ally i would love to have u as a sis, u r wondeful and mean so much to me. I also feel like i have knew you my whole life, ur a star in everyway. It means alot that u wanna keep in touch with wee me. I hope i will get another chance to meet u again, as we got on real well;) and roger is so funny. Your amazing ally. Love you with all my wee heart. Tasha xxxxxxx Lots of hugs to u,roger,bagpuss & jasmine xxxx


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