big pink stripy cat

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Finally got the luggy bug out of Jasmine's fur YAY, I'm so pleased now she looks a real beautiful show cat!
I've been into Scarborough to do the weekly shop. It's still very busy with holiday folk.
My back is still very painful after slipping down the hill at the bike racing, I'll be ok after tomorrow's appointment, it won't help my back but it's one less thing to worry about.
I've been watching thr repete of Dinnerladies on sky, I love that programme, it alway's makes me laugh.
Jasmine is fast asleep on the windowsill, she hasn't chased anything today so the world is safe from a gray girl cat trying to eat everything in sight.
Roger is going on a course tomorrow and may spend the night at his mum's because it's such a long drive( 7 hours) which means i might have the house to myself and will be able to watch some of my Johnny Depp films WOOHOO.
I bought something nice to send to Tasha, I hope she is starting to feel a bit better.
I can't wait untill Saturday and the cat show. Me and Roger are judging black and white cats, we have bought trophies and rosettes for our class in memory of our old black and white cat "casper". The thing is I will want to give every pussy cat a prize but sadly there will be some that won't get a thing.
My Jasmine is beautiful and has the most stunning eyes I've ever seen on a cat, She's like the cat in the sheba cat food ad's the gray one with the round face. Jasmine is my best friend and I'd miss her if I hadn't got her, she's the one true friend i can trust 100% every day.
Well , it's eye clinic tomorrow so finger's crossed that it all goes well. It's not until your on the line of loosing something you know just how important these things are, there's nothing more important than your eyes. God only knows how i'd cope if my sight goes altogether, last time i knew it would get better but this time there will be no second changes.


  • At 9:51 AM, Blogger Tasha.x said…

    Ally your such a star. Well i got home today, so i can be home for my birthday, I've to go upto hospital 3 times a week for physio,which im bummed about but im acceptin its too help me. Thank you so so so much for the lovely card, it brightend up my day:D & for the lovely photos. Ur an angel.Still takin things very easy as im still tired & sore. Thanks so much for the thinkin about me. Luv ya so much
    Tasha xxxxxxxxxxxxx


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