big pink stripy cat

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Started on the new insulin doses today, i really don't understand why on earth the doctor changed things as they were fine before, anyway I'm doing as I've been told.
I was sorting out some old photo's when I came across one of an ex partner which I thought I got rid of them all, anyway I burnt it, normally I wouldn't do this but this " thing" put me through three years of hell. it was a very violent relationship which didn't help my eating disorder at all, many times i ended up in hospital and it caused my family a lot of hearache and hurt.
I felt like that was the end of a bad time( even though I didn't know this photo was in the box of stuff) I'm a much happier person who has fought dam hard for everything I have and i have over come a lot of terrible things.
Jasmine has been hunting bumble bees in the garden, she didn't find any but she did find a frog!
jasmine wasn't sure what to do with him and the big paw of fate which has killed many a living thing came down on the poor frogs head. the frog squeaked ( yes squeaked) and did a huge leap towards our neighbours fence with a furry blur after it. I grabbed jasmine as i thought the death of a poor frog minding his own business was too much to bare, Jasmine wasn't a happy kitten and started to bite me instead, little monkey.
The rosettes I ordered for the cat show on Saturday came today, they were lovely.Me and roger are judging black and white cats at the show and have bought two trophies and the rosettes for a new class in memory of our black and white cat " Casper".
It's a beautiful day here today, and I'm going to go into town tomorrow to pay some bills. Thursday i have eye clinic which no doubt I'll have to have drops in my eyes so if it's sunny when I come out I'll be blind. I have got transport for then so it won't be so bad.
I hope Tasha is feeling a bit better, been thinking of her a lot since finding out she had to go into hospital, also hope Emily is OK, poor little jellybean has been in hospital for ten weeks now.
The friendships us CF's make are very strong, it's very difficult when someone passes away, it's like one of your family has gone the bond is so strong. I've lost lots of friends to cF but i had two very best friends who both passed away, it wasn't until I started putting messages on the CF message boards that I started to form friendships with CF's again. it wasn't because i didn't want too , it was because i didn't want to go through the pain of loosing any more friends, but i have been strong and faced these things that worry me and i have found some very loving , kind friends again.


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