big pink stripy cat

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Got our local paper today as they have printed an article about Emily's Angel's and how I got on in London. Everything was fine until the last bit when they got the amount raised wrong. It wouldn't normally bother me but I sent the women an e-mail with all the details on it( I sometimes feel with some people your banging your head against a brick wall)
Roger helped me wash Jasmine today as next Saturday is the cat show. It gives her fur time to look good if we wash her now, although Jasmine would disagree and like Bagpuss hates being washed.I still have the lovely job of brushing her yet and getting that knot out of her fur which is bothering me now never mind Jasmine.
Jasmine hasn't eaten any more daddy long legs today, but cought a fly outside and kept pawing it till she killed it!!!!!
Found one little spider in the kitchen last night which wasn't too bad but I got Roger to get it all the same.
It's lovely and sunny here today and we went shopping in Filey this morning, it was busy with happy holiday people and old people walking around like snail's.
I posted my card to my lovely little friend, Tasha today, I hope it makes her a little bit happier as I know she's not well at the moment. I also posted a card to the bloke from Top Gear, Richard " hamster" Hammond.
Since last Sunday after slipping down a steep hill at the bike racing my back has hurt like hell, no doubt it's bruised a bit, what with that and a dodgy right arm I'm falling to bit's.
Well I think I shall try and get Jasmine and brush her, I'm sure she's gonna love that and will try and bite me. I'm still getting use to this blog thing and once I know how to post some piccies, you'll see how beautiful Jasmine is, as well as Bagpuss!!!!!


  • At 6:16 AM, Blogger Tasha.x said…

    Hey lovely, thats a shame the got the amount wrong on the article, always seem to make a mistake lol.
    Thanks so much for posting my card your a star ally. I've got a wee letter & card here also for you, which i shall be posting. Yay that jasmine hasnt eat anymore daddy long legs lol. Glad its nice & sunny were u r, its also lovely here. Cant believe u slipped down a hill, hope your back gets better soon & i also hope your eyes are a bit better again today.
    Lots of love & hugs to u as always
    Tasha xxxxxx


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