big pink stripy cat

Monday, September 25, 2006

Yesterday was a busy day. First we went for a drive round the dolby forrest and had a cup of tea and some very nice cake at a tearoom there, it was on a farm and we saw a lovely ginger kitten called" spud"
We came home and the phone rang, it was some of our mates from York. They were coming across to Scarborough for a ride out on their bike( Honda fireblade) and wanted us to meet them.I was really tired but I made the effort to go.
Today I learned that my little friend Tasha was in hospital, poor little chick is not well.
Diabetic clinic went fine, although they've changed my insulin round abit which seems pointless as things were OK before but I'll do as I'm told.
Jasmine has now focused her attentions on flies instead of daddy long legs, mainly because I think she's ate all the daddy long legs in the world and flies seem to be more of a sport for her jumping and chasing them around the house.
Next big clinic is Thursday, which is eye clinic.I'm very tired and worn out now so I'm going for a good cup of tea and a cuddle with Jasmine( if I can get her away from chasing flies).
Hopefully Tasha will start to feel better very soon, I'm missing seeing her lovely messages. Get well soon chickie bean


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