big pink stripy cat

Friday, September 22, 2006

After having a bad hypo yesterday I thought it best not to go shopping in York and go another day. Hypo's ( low blood sugars) make you feel very tired and some times sick. It's raining anyway so it wouldn't have been an enjoyable day out.
I'm at diabetic clinic on Monday so I can sort out these hypo's then, mind you I think it's because i'm not eating enough.
Jasmine has murdered two more daddy long legs, bringing the sore to eight.There has been no more big spider's in the bathroom but I still get roger to check before I have a shower.
I've been busy with a painting I'm doing for my sister for xmas, I know we are a way off Xmas at the moment but paintings take time and I want it to look good.
Jasmine has a knott in her fur which i can't seem to comb out, she also roll's over and bites me when I try and brush her. i've got to get it out ready for next Saturday and the cat show.
My left eye seems to be slightly better today YAY!!!!! the bleed I had is slowly clearing which is good news( thank goodness, it's about time luck was on my side)
Well bagpuss seems a bit down today, I blame the weather as cats don't like water.
I don't know what we'll do this weekend, I know we need to go food shopping( boring) . I make the most of our weekends as Roger works very hard during the week and has long days, by the time he get's home and has his tea, it's bedtime so we don't get time to chat about the day's events.
I made a nice card for Tasha today as she's not very well at the moment, I hope it will cheer her up and know I'm thinking of her( poor little chick)
I've been thinking about having another tattoo, i already have three but one more might be nice. I haven't a clue what I'd like though, my other's are of dragons, i rather like the idea of having Jasmine in elvish on my foot. I know I won't rush into it, it took me months to decide what I wanted with the other's, by this time next week I might think differently again.


  • At 11:08 AM, Blogger Tasha.x said…

    Hey hunni, sorry you couldnt make it to go shoppin in york. Better going when u feel better thou cos u will enjoy it more. Good luck with the diabetic clinic on mon hun i'll be thinkin about u. Thank you so so much for making me a card, ur an absoulte star. Im so so happy to hear that ur wee eye is a bit better today.
    Thinkin of u as always and sendin all my love to u, roger & bagpuss


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