big pink stripy cat

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

It's been a funny day so far.First Jasmine started meowing for no reason other than she wanted some attention, and second I had a strange feeling I was in a dream watching TV, when I finally got myself together I found that it wasn't a dream but that in fact I was going hypo and my blood sugar's were 1.7( eeeeeeek).
I've been diabetic for over twenty years so I'm normally quite good with things but it does get frightening when your on your own and can't make sence of simple things. I made a cup of sweet tea and managed to gobble down some tangfastics in record time!
It's still very windy here and saw on the weather at dinner time that hurricane Gorden is on it's way, although it won't cause to much damage( we hope).
Also i got up set by seeing Steve Irwin's daughter paying tribute to her Dad, life sucks at times and why do the terrible things in life happen to the good people? I've never understood that one.
Spoke to my Mum today who seemed a bit strange with me, although if you knew my Mum you'd say she was normal. My mum is coming to a caravan park near us for a holiday for a week although it's not to spend time with me I've been told. i will see her though while she's here. i miss my dad more than my Mum, I think the last time I saw him was before xmas last year and he's never been to our house, I don't know why.
Dad gets on very well with my sister and they talk about everything and anything, I think that's because they use to work with each other. I just don't know how to talk to my Dad, I don't really know how.
Bagpuss sadly has had to go in the washing machine as he looked rather dirty, seeing him spinning round at 100mph wasn't the nicest thing to see but the job needed doing.
I got a cheque for quite an amount today for emily's angel's from a man who saw my article in the paper, he lives in our village and knew someone who worked at the Bromton which is where Emily is at the moment. I keep getting people sending small amounts of money for the cause which is really kind and makes all the hard work worth while. i've even had people coming up to me whilst I've been out shopping asking if it was me who was in the paper's, I tell them yes it was, and that there's only ONE bagpuss who has tried to do the london marathon and that's why we were in the paper's. one old lady thought I was telling the truth and replied " I thought it was because you had something wrong with you like MS", I felt like saying it was because I was abit loopy but I just smiled and nodded, I've found that old people even when you take the time to tell them what CF is they still don't understand, bless em.


  • At 12:57 PM, Blogger Tasha.x said…

    Hey Ali hunni, thats nice ur mums coming down to urs for a bit. Shame bagpuss had to go in the washing machine, but he will be all fresh and nice again hehe. Thats lovely u got a cheque for doing the run, see ur famous now hunni. So many people luv ya. Hope ur well & ur eyes are a bit better. Love & hugs as always. Love tasha x x x

  • At 4:21 PM, Blogger Tinypoppet said…

    hey sweetie, just wanted to check in to let you know that I am reading with great interest and learning a lot from your blogs...sending lots of love, look after yourself special lady xxx

  • At 5:14 PM, Blogger Nicola said…

    Hi Ally, hypo's suck don't they?!?!Great to hear that lots of people have noticed you were in the papers,and you have been getting some more money for Emily's Angels.Look forward to your next post,take care xxx.


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