big pink stripy cat

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Today is very windy and Jasmine wanted to go out and play( like kitty's do) so I let her out in the garden for a while. She didn't like the wind blowing her whisker's and ran back to me like a frightened child and hid behind my legs meowing. I picked her up and carried her round the garden, she was pushing into my chest as she didn't want me to put her down, it was kind of sweet as this ball of fur wanted me to protect her from something nasty( the wind).
I've had some lovely messages from other CF's, Tasha who i met at the hydro active has been leaving some lovely messages which has brightened my day no end. i have found over the years that meeting other's who have CF has been like having extra brother's and sister's and when sad times come around( mainly when someone passes away) we all support each other with such love and care.
I've had the news of the world after me to do an article on me, it's like being a celeb!!!
I can't do anything for them yet as another mag is doing an article and I've signed a contract, i know that when it's printed the money I get is going to the trust, so something good will come out of it.
Bagpuss has forgiven me for not taking him to the bike racing at the weekend, it's a good job really as I need him for next weeks adventures to hospital.
My eyes are still a huge worry, I'm having trouble writing this and find that I'm missing some of the keys. What a wombat!!
this week so far has been great as i haven't had to get up early. i wish I could stay in bed all day but i have to do my physio, take my tablet's and have my insulin, so I can't really. having all these health problems is like having a full time job, i take my hat of to those who still go out to work plus having to do all the stuff to keep themselves well.
So now i've wrote this I'm off to go on my tread mill for 30 mins( which I try and do every day) and then I'll have my nebs and a well earned cup of tea, and a cuddle from a now settled happy kitty.


  • At 9:56 AM, Blogger Tasha.x said…

    Hey Lovely, love reading ur blog as always. They always make me smile. Read mine if u like its

    Im just back from hospital so very tired and not feeling to great.

    Hope to chat to u on msn soon. Lots of love to u roger and bagpuss. Hope your eye's get better real soon, got everything crossed for u hunni. Take care

    Lots of love
    Tasha xxxxxxxxx


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