big pink stripy cat

Saturday, September 16, 2006

After waking up at 4am after having bad dreams about the mother of all spider's in our bathroom on thursday night, I got up and made a cup of tea then sat watching TV with the cat purring on my knee.
It's bike racing at Oliver's mount this weekend so we are going up there tomorrow, it's not far for us to travel and bagpuss loves motorbikes.
We have a Triumph Daytona 955 sports bike but me and Bagpuss ride pillion.I've always loved bikes and when me and my sister were younger we use to go round our garden on our push bikes and pretended to be bike racer's and we always use to fall out who was going to be Barry Sheane, the funny thing was we never knew who the other racers were anyway.
I love getting out on the bike as it makes me feel free, no one knows that I have CF and for a short time I'm " normal"
Bagpuss always gets a lot of interest from people when we stop at cafes, people want to stroke him and he's normally quite good and never bites or spits at people.
We have been at some very fast speeds and it's great, although i have to hang on tight and Bagpuss has lost a few whiskers!
So today has been a lazy day at home.I'm still feeling sick from yesterday's Iron injection but in a few days i'll be as fit as a pink cat.


  • At 6:59 PM, Blogger Nicola said…

    Hi Ally,hope you feel better soon,and have a great time tomorrow :).Lots of hugs to you and Bagpuss x.


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