big pink stripy cat

Friday, September 15, 2006

I've got CF clinic this afternoon which I'm not looking forward to for some unknown reason.
I woke up this morning to find that I'd had another small bleed in my left eye, which aint good. i'm at the eye clinic at the end of the month so I'll deal with any bad news then. When you have these bleeds they are strange things, it's kind of like a floating fly crossing your vision. The small bleeds normally clear within a week but if you get a large bleed it may never clear.
i'm having my last Iron injection at clinic today, they make me feel quite sick and i'm a big puff as I hate watching the nurse access my port.
I've been diabetic for over twenty years yet I still can't stand needles.
Bagpuss is packed and ready for this afternoon, and this time I've got some haribo's just in case of a hypo( low blood sugar) alert.
Jasmine was being cute this morning by chasing after a poor daddy long legs, the cuteness stopped when she put her furry paw on it and kindly killed it.
Jasmine then turned her attention to my bare feet and started a combat manoeuvre to get to my toes and bite them.After ten mins of playing with her i finally got into the kitchen to get her some cat biccies, which settled her down a lot.
so now i'm going to watch This morning until transport come to cart me away


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