big pink stripy cat

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Bagpuss and me

Well i'm new to this so I hope it turns out OK. I'm Ali and i suffer from cystic fibrosis, diabetes and renal failure and if that aint enough I'm going blind too. i'm 35 and live near sunny Scarborough with my faithful bagpuss ruck sack who goes everywhere with me.
I have a younger sister called Joy who also has CF, she is married to Steve and has three cats called Topcee, Bilbo and Frodo( yes there is a lord of the rings thing going on with their names)
I have made a lot of friends who also have CF, one of these is the amazing Emily.

i have just about recovered from the hydro active challenge which took part a week or so ago. Bagpuss was with me wearing the pink wings we all wore as part of Emily's Angels , a team of i think 60+ women raising money for CF. I take Bagpuss everywhere with me as I need my diabetic stuff with me all the time, plus everyone loves Bagpuss

I hope this has turned out right and that you enjoy the adventures of me and the pink cat over the next how many days i get to write
Take care for now
Ali and Bagpuss


  • At 8:52 AM, Blogger Tasha.x said…

    Hey lovely! Welcome to blog world hunni. Lovely first post. Hope ur well hunni. Lots of love & hugs comin ur way..xxxxxx

  • At 10:01 AM, Blogger Nicola said…

    Hey Ally,welcome to Blogger.I could spend all day reading other peoples Blogs lol.Hope you enjoy Blogging and I'm sure I will enjoy reading :)

  • At 10:04 AM, Blogger Simba said…

    Hello Ali and Bagpuss,
    Welcome to the world of blogspot!

    An Egyptologist wow! Did you see that programme the other night about Tutankhamen? I really enjoyed it. :)

    Hope you're well x

  • At 11:45 AM, Blogger livvy said…

    Welcome to the world of Blog Ally! Hope you'll keep on Blogging with Bagpuss from time to time. xx

  • At 12:00 PM, Blogger Emmie said…

    YAY!! Great to see you have a blog Ally :o) Thank you SO SO SO much for my absolutely beautiful card that arrived this morning. It really is gorgeous and made me very smiley. Did you make it yourself? I'm looking forward to reading all your blog posts from now on.
    Loads of love special friend
    Emma xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • At 1:51 AM, Blogger Tinypoppet said…

    hey sweetness, yay and welcome to the world of blogging - I'm warning you it gets a tad addictive ;)
    Much love to you and of course bagpuss! xxx


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