big pink stripy cat

Monday, September 18, 2006

Had a really good talk with my little sis this afternoon, mainly about family and cats.Joy has three little kitty's and we often have mog chats.
Bagpuss hasn't been in a good mood with me since yesterday as he couldn't come with us to the bike racing.
I've had very bad pains in my left eye, the frightening part is that this condition doesn't get better the only thing is it will cause me to go blind.
I had a certificate from the CF trust today for completing the hydro active challenge with emily's angel's which was nice, it seems a life time ago since doing that although it was only a few weeks ago.
Jasmine has killed three more daddy long legs and tried to eat one of them, but decided she didn't like the taste and spat it out with a funny look on her face.
We've had no more spider's in the bathroom so far thank goodness but Roger is still on spider watch.
It's been a slow day today with nothing really to tell you about. We watched jeeper's creeper's 2 last night which frightened the stripes off bagpuss and he ran and hid under the bed, I was a bit frightened by it but it was a great film all the same.
my sister and her husband are off on their hol's on saturday for a week, it will seem strange not speaking to her for a week as we speak on the phone every day for at least an hour. We live 60 miles from each other so we don't see each other much unless i'm in hospital then I go to my sister's house for tea as she doesn't live far from the hospital.
We don't have much support from our mum and dad, they see that now we are older we can sort ourselves out, which isn't the case and at times we both feel let down and sad.
I have battled for 16 years on and off with anorexia and i'm finding some things a bit difficult, I have days where it doesn't bother me and then there are days even weeks where I can't think of nothing else.My sister has always understood my eating problems and never said i was stupid for having problems, where as my mum and dad didn't want to help they just left me a lone and helpless. I left home at the age of 15 going on 16 because me and mum didn't get on. Now I'm an adult I can get on with her as long as it fits into her way of life but she doesn't understand, those CF's who's parents help any way they can are very lucky, as me and Joy have no one to turn to but each other( joy has her husband)
I think having CF has made me a more caring, understanding person, i try very hard to keep things together but life aint easy and i do get down from time to time.i've done many things to help raise money for the CF trust and i know i've done something worth while, and I will continue to make a difference.


  • At 3:03 PM, Blogger Tasha.x said…

    Ali your lovely, i love reading ur blogs. Hope ur well? Keep fighting chikie and stay strong. U mean so much to so many people. Lots of love x x


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