big pink stripy cat

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Had a fantastic day at Oliver's mount races, the weather was brill.We went on our bike but sadly had to leave bagpuss at home as we took a picnic in another ruck sack but he would have found it too hot anyway.
Oliver's mount is set on a hill so we walked down to the start, as we tried to get down another way other than the path provided I slipped and rolled hippo style down the hill and ended at the bottom near to some other bikers, i got to my feet and tried again to walk to where we were heading but my feet went from under me again and " BUMP" I landed on my bum again.
I did manage to get to the start line and watch some of the racing but i've hurt my back a little bit.
Trying to walk back up the hill was terrible, it's very steep and even the fittest of fleas would find it hard going.I took my time stopping for a rest here and there but i was gasping like a fish out of water and one bloke stopped and asked Roger if I was OK as I'd gone very white, he said that i just needed to rest and catch my breath then i'd be fine.I did manage to get to the top but it was hard work.
We set off for home after a bought a Barry sheane t shirt , which I've been after for a while.
When we got home we dropped the bags off then we went out on the bike( which is called Trudy) to the sea front at Filey and had an ice cream and watched the world go by.
I'm still worried about my sight, things aren't much better and it's frightening to think i could wake up tomorrow in total darkness.
So I'm settling down after having a shower ( Roger has checked for spiders , as he is on spider watch) and i'm going to have some tickle time with Jasmine as she's been on her own a lot today, tomorrow's another day


  • At 12:51 PM, Blogger Tasha.x said…

    Hey hunni, aww glad u had a nice weekend. Really sorry that your eyes r still worrying hope they get better real soon, got my fingers crossed for u. I added u to msn did u get it? Hope so. Stay smiley hunni, ur great. Lots of love x x x


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