big pink stripy cat

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Have had a really lazy day today and stayed in bed until 9.30am . Jasmine has been in the garden playing run around. She also found a huge frog which wasn't best pleased she was trying to push it along with her furry paw.I thought it best to get Mr frog in an old plany pot and blonk him into the beck at the back of our house out of the way from the furry ferret, I know frogs are meant to taste like chicken but the thought of Jasmine munching on a poor frog didn't bare thinking about. Jasmine looked at me like i'd tried to murder her as mr frog plopped into the water and swam off quite quickly, he was looking happy as he went on his way and maybe knew just what a close shave he'd had.
Jasmine came in, she was in a mood so went off in search of something else to kill. She does make me laugh as anything that moves gets attacked, and she wiggles her bum before she pounces on it. After maybe 20 mins she lost interest and settled down on my blanket and fell asleep.
I feel drained and tired, maybe going into hospital in a few weeks will do wonders.
Susie sent the mock designs of the CF xmas bracelets today to me, they both look great and I think they will sell maybe better then the other ones. the price will be more but it means the trust will get more. It's a lot of hard work but i'm finding it a challenge which keeps me busy and keeps my mind off other stuff.


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