big pink stripy cat

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I've not posted for a few days as I've felt ill with a cold or maybe it's side effects from having my flu jab last week.
my friend Shirley is going into hospital tomorrow for some tests, i promised I'd go and visit but I feel so ill i don't want to spread any bugs and have told Shirley I can't visit, which is sad as i don't like letting people down.
i have to go into hospital soon for some IV's which I know will cause my kidney's to go silly but the doctor I saw at clinic didn't seem to listen to me so I'll go in and see what happen's although I know they will stop the IV's after a few days as my kidneys won't cope.
Jasmine is well and spends most of the time sleeping now it's getting cold, she looks like a gray seal with a rather fat tummy.
Thankfully we've had no spiders in the bathroom, so maybe Jasmine is bored and that's why she sleeps more.
we are going to drive a Lamborghini round Elvington aitfield near York in a few weeks time, it was bought as a gift and I'm really looking forward to that.
Bagpuss has been grounded for a few days while I'm feeling a bit poo, he doesn't like staying at home and would rather be out and about.
My Dad is not well and has been going back and forth to the hospital for tests, he's 68 today and had to go for a cardio ultrasound on his heart which will take up to four weeks for the results.


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