big pink stripy cat

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Hello everyone
So sorry for not writing again for ages but I've been unwell and busy with the sale of the new CF jewellery.
my dad is doing really well and maybe only needs a few more chemo sessions which is fantastic news.My other fantastic news is that Emily my CF friend was able to go home last weekend after her transplant, she was able to celebrate her birthday at home, so this birthday will have been a very special one for Emily and her family.
Jasmine has been very lazy and not really been a monkey like normal.The one thing she did yesterday was fall off the window ledge after falling asleep there. She's also started to snore like a piglet when she goes into a deep sleep.
All things spider like have been safe from the mad moggie as they don't tend to come in any more, I wonder why?
Woodlice are at danger though crossing the hall carpet as Jasmine likes to play with them and then eats them, poor little things.
i thought Jasmine had killed a bird in the garden a few weeks ago as i'd found a load of feathers on the grass.I later found out that R had thrown a feather pillow out and these were what I'd found.I was kind of pleased that my mad gray moggie hadn't murdered a bird.
So life is looking good and I'm now looking forward to summer evenings out on the motorbike and that feeling of freedom!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

yet again I find myself saying sorry for the lack of posts, I've not been well and have been fighting a really horrible cold which was kindly given to me after a clinic visit to hospital.
The fantastic news is that Emily has had all the tubes and machines taken away and is using her new lungs all by her self.This is such fantastic news i can't tell you how everyone feels in the wonderful world of CF. There was of course for a time many of us were preparing to hear the worst news about emily but someone gave her that gift and they have saved her life.
Since the live life then give life campaign started i think more people are understanding just how important carring a donor card is and making sure your loved ones know your wishes, and i'm so proud of Emma and Emily for starting the campaign and the work they do.
My Dad is doing really well. He had a scan two weeks ago to see if the chemo was working on shrinking the cancer and it's doing the job on one of the tumours but he still needs the chemo to help shrink the other tumours. The doctors are very pleased with my Dad and think he'll come through this very well and have no more cancer, fingers crossed.
My kidneys have been giving me some pain. I've been gathering information on dialysis as I know that it's going to happen sometime, so I might as well get my thoughts together and get on with it.
Jasmine is well and her painting came and is in the front room above the fire. She's been sleeping alot while it's been cold and wet, but today it's beautiful sunshine and warm so she's been in and out of the house all morning. No doubt Jasmine will be watching the fat wood pigeons that land on our garden table, what she's going to do with it is a different thought altogether as she's never killed anything before like a bird only spiders and daddy longlegs!