big pink stripy cat

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I had a very busy day yesterday as I was at the renal unit in Leeds for my check up. My appointment wasn't until 2.30pm but transport came at 11.45am. I always get nervous about clinics, I've been like that since I was a kid, I think it's because the news is never good.
I had to wait an hour and a half before seeing the doctor and as I thought the news wasn't great. I've been going to the renal unit for nearly three years and when I first went there my kidney function was 40%, sadly it's been going downhill ever since even though it's been a slow progress. My kidney function is now down to 20% any lower then I have to go to the low cleansing unit( dialysis) which I knew would happen one day but it's still a shock.
my sister rang me as soon as I got home ( by that time it was 6pm) I wasn't going to tell her but somehow couldn't help myself. Now most people would support someone if they heard my kind of news but not my sister, she was telling me that R was no good for me and non supportive and selfish, which was uncalled for and not really what I wanted to hear. I love my sister dearly but since she got married she's changed and talks down to me.
Today is another day and it's brilliant sunshine! Jasmine has been running around the house like a manic thing, I think she's in training to do the marathon!
I'm feeling very tired and worn out, I didn't sleep too well with a thousand things going round in my noggin. I keep thinking of my friend Emily, and wondered how she coped with all the things that have happened to hear. I get strength from people like Emily, it doesn't seem to matter what life throws at them they seem to bounce back always with a smile for you, I just wish i was as brave, I'm a huge sugarpuff when it comes to needles, doctors and so on even though it's been most of my life but I've never got use to it.
On a much brighter note I got a signed photo from Johnny Depp, which made my day, I sent him a letter a month ago and told him about my CF bracelets and Emily and Emma's live life then give life campaign I didn't get a letter but at least i've got a photo!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

It's been rather windy here on the coast and this morning we found a huge tree had blown down and smashed our fence.
The last week or so have been difficult for me after the lovely cold I was kindly given by mum, I've had some Cipro but i think I'll end up in hospital at some point.
Jasmine has been her normal self by attacking my feet every time i enter a room, i wouldn't mind so much but she get's carried away and starts to bite quit hard and push with her back paws.
i keep reading Emily's blog to see how she's getting on. Emily still has a long way to go but i know she won't give in now. I like most people were in tears of happiness when i heard emily's news, it's hard to make people outside the wonderful world of CF to understand the strong friendships we tend to make, I see it as we're one big family and we want everyone to stay well. Sadly this is very rare and the pain is terrible when we loose a friend.
Emily has a huge impact on the CF world and we can't wait to hear when she's up and about. I met emily at the CF awards in 2005 and we have been friends ever since. She is the kind of person who get's on with anyone and loves pink and shoes!
I keep Emily and one or two others in my prayers every day, these people are the ones who keep me going and help me strive to be a better person.
My Dad is doing well and has been driving for the first time in two months, which I think is very good news. Dad has got his spark back and this is lovely to hear over the phone. Like Emily , my Dad has a long way to go but things are looking a bit brighter than they were before.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Sorry for the lack of post's but thing's have been busy and i've not been well.
We had great news as a lot of you may have read that one of my CF friends, Emily Thackray had her long awaited transplant which has been a great start to 2007.Emily has a long way to go yet but she's a real fighter and i have a really good feeling we''lll be reading about her and her adventures soon. I keep thinking of her and she is in our prayers as Emily is a very dear friend to many in the CF world, she is a very, very specail young lady.
My dad is doing well and is coping with his chemo, each time I speak to him nowadays he seems his cheerful self which has made me feel a bit brighter.
I've been battling this nasty cold which seems to be going around, this is the third week that I had the dam thing.
Bagpuss came with me to clinic on Friday which was his first visit out for 2007. Bagpuss has two eyebrow rings in and has taken up wearing trinkets tied in his fur like Captain Jack Sparrow or Keith Richards, I must say though he does look good.
Jasmine is well and has been playing with a piece of string which she found from somewhere, other than that she's been doing normal cat things like sleeping!